Thursday, June 17, 2010

4 days of fasting....

So it was the dumpling festival yesterday, but this time I had my share of dumplings well ahead.

Instead, it was spaghetti oglio-carbonara for me yesterday.What's that? Leftover spaghetti oglio, with carbonara sauce because I was craving for carbonara and the cream I bought was almost expiring. So there u have it, a slightly more spicy version of the oglio with creamy carbonara sauce. hmmmm turned out fairly well. (sorry, it was 5+am and I forgot to take snaps of it ;p)

Today? spaghetti carbonara only.

Actually, I was fasting since Tuesday. SUpposed to start on Monday but thinking I would wake up well ahead of my alarm (like all other days), I didn't, and I only woke up at 6am. So, postponed.

Well, I guess, to many, this may be like peanuts lah, but then it'll be my first time fasting at 37+ weeks (haha, time is running out and it's a real last minute thing with 4 days to go) and its no fun doing it alone. And I didn't know what to expect. When I was expecting AIR, fasting month was on during my 6th month of pregnancy, so it was a breeze, plus things are much easier when there's someone (or every other Muslim are) doing it with you.

And so far, after 2+ days, I'm still doing great. haha managed to even take AIR out for a walk in the park yesterday (Day#2) and was bullied cos after a while he asked me to carry him, but I was really tired on Day#1 (an almost normal reaction, I guess).

So I guess its a do-able thing. Hubby was a lil' concern bout the lil' one, but seems like she's up and about kicking...and tickling me all the time.

Another 1+ day to go! Wheeeee......


Suziey Ahmad said...

hehe puasa ganti ek..xpe dpt gk pahala puasa sunat rejab...caiyok2..:)

Fong said...

hehe, means lil one likes fasting gak =)

isabelle said...

i tingin nak qada puasa..tapi mcm skrg ni kritikal sgt kalo i mkn lmbt. how eh?

Jaja Shah said...

alamak, i belum buat lagi. bila fully bf, tak tahan la, cepat lapar. alasan sungguh kan? :p

reitak said... more day to go ;p postpone next week keke

Is, that's why mine jadi last min camni. Early stages tu mmg tak tahan if makan lambat. takpe,qada when u can la..

Fong, taktaula...hope bb ok a..

Jaja, takpe u still have the 'license' to postpone kan?

reitak said... more day to go ;p postpone next week keke

Is, that's why mine jadi last min camni. Early stages tu mmg tak tahan if makan lambat. takpe,qada when u can la..

Fong, taktaula...hope bb ok a..

Jaja, takpe u still have the 'license' to postpone kan?

Yan said...

aiyoo... saya pun ade 2 ari lg nak ganti.. mmg tengah berkira2 nak mengganti dalam seminggu dua ni.. kang dah bersalin.. payah.. sebab time pantang sok da bulan posa kan? x sempat punyer