Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crafting - my new pastime?

I’m not a very creative person especially when it comes to the artsy stuff, but somehow I wanted to do some craft-y stuff.

To be exact, perhaps sew myself a small pouch/bag for my phone (although there are tons readymade out there, but they don’t really fit very well) and at the same time, make my baby some nice hairbands. Oh well, for someone who has delayed sewing buttons on hubby’s shirt for ages, if I actually tell him my idea (it only popped last night), he’ll probably get a shock of his life.

But then again, I don't really know how to use a sewing machine. hehehe I didn't take 'home economics', I did 'kemahiran hidup' in lower sec. hahaha must get mum to give me a quick tutorial....

It's not going to be my daytime pastime, more likely my night time pastime, when the TV offers lousy programs or when I just feel like it (this can consider hobby?) hehehe oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.


ajjah said...

try it out.. it's like a therapy to me.. from zero to something small and you'll get better n better.. and the feeling when you get to use/wear something you made by yourself, it's priceless :)

ian yusof said...

probably you should try stapling rather than sewing that new hp pouch of yours ... ahaks...

isabelle said...

ian yusof is funny, reminded me of mrhubby.ada ke dia staple kaki suar dia sbb malas jahit? duhhh

reitak said...

ajjah, think I'll go get some stuff soon. I'd love try making stuff for my baby girl :)

ian, LOL...if sew tak jadi, perhaps can consider ur suggestion ;p

is, ohno I thought I was bad! I was tempted to staple a ribbon which came off from my baby's shoe ;p dasar malas nk mampos!