Friday, February 25, 2011
25 months and counting

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Old Newspaper!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This weekend's getaway
Friday, February 18, 2011
Chap Goh Meh
I chanced upon a chinese restaurant here in Sandakan, corner shoplot but it had 4 lions performing the lion dance...oh my! So many lions!! Lots of evil to chase out or it will experience abundance of prosperity this year? ;p
Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days but it felt as though the 15 days went by so quickly. CNY goodies are still aplenty in my house...partly because the main 'consumer' is away :)
Oh well, can't wait to doll the kiddos up again in CNY outfits, esp when AIR2 can walk already....that lil' cheongsam on that lil' bump! ;p
Now, when's the next public holiday?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Gym in Sandakan

Can't complain, as long as it works and makes me realise that I've got my running legs back but only need to work a little more on my stamina...I'm almost at BC (before childbirth) speed! Almost only, ok.
This is what keeps me happy when it rains outside ;p and it has been raining for already 24 hours, since yesterday. Boy oh boy...
The sky allowed me to run back to hotel from 6pm yesterday and apparently it was raining at the hotel, but when I arrived at that area, roads were wet, but it wasn't raining. After I went into the hotel, not too long, it started to rain again. aaaahhh I feel so loved :)
And then today was a gloomy, wet, raining, grey day!!
Can't wait for 6am tomorrow!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I got my 10!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just 3 days' away. What have you planned?
Although it's not encouraged for Muslims to celebrate this day (that's as far as I've read and know-lah) but I'm sure at some point of our lives we cherished and looked forward to this day. It's as though it's THE-day for all dating couples, especially teenagers :)
But I never believed in all the expensive roses bought and sent on that day. For a start I'm not a flower-person (though I'd melt when someone gave them to me ;p) and I always thought that the exorbitant prices of flowers during V-day is just a waste of money! Especially when the flowers come in huge bouquets and can run up to hundreds of ringgit. Better use that money for a more everlasting gift. Diamonds/jewellery perhaps? (they appreciate in price too!) Diamonds are a girl's best friend, right? ;p
I also never believed in celebrating the occasion extravagantly on that day. Love can be expressed on any other day, right? and it should be the same throughout the lifetime. Plus restaurants take advantage of this overly-commercialised day and make consumers spend more. We used to celebrate it before the actual day. More like a reason just to have a huge, expensive meal for us!
This year? I'll be going outstation :( but nevertheless to us it's just another commercialised celebration, so it does not matter!
What do you have planned?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Chinese New Year, birthday & everything nice

Chinese New Year came and gone (the first few days lah). While we were also busy preparing for open house cum birthday celebration for AIR1, many were travelling back. Thank goodness this year we decided to just stay here and not go up north. Mum & Dad came.
CNY was kinda quiet. With most of my friends up north we just relaxed at home with a steamboat dinner on the eve. 1st day CNY which usually is spent at home while my relatives visit was still spent at home. Relaxing with family and entertaining the kids. 2nd day was when the ‘full swing’ came. Since it wasn’t a huge affair, things were kept simple.
Luckily we were not extremely ambitious so not much leftovers like the previous time.
AIR1 loved his Upin& Ipin themed cake and he just wanted to ‘eat’ them. The next day he woke up and saw the cake gone, but later I showed him the portion I saved and he said to me ‘Ipin sleep’. He ate the ‘eye’, ‘head’ and some of the alphabets. :)
Beautiful cake, but a tad too sweet. The icing and even the cake itself was very sweet. Otherwise I’d have wallop every remaining bit of it, I guess. haha
Over the weekend, nothing much happened. Had indian mutton briyani. Superb! that was lunch. Dinner another mutton/lamb meal. Oh boy...talk about lamb overload! :)
Sunday dinner was another family gathering. Thought of balinese-style food, we went to Subak, only to realise it's actually western. Should have gone to Bora Ombak or Bora Asmara, but nevertheless though Subak was slightly pricey, ambience and food was superb. I guess AIR1 enjoyed it most as it had so much space for him to explore!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Retro Night!
Had fun and wil try to post some more photos...very busy week it has been...
Selected for 'Best Dressed Award' but we had to do a dance, and of course I failed miserably...hahaha I can't dance for peanuts!! so consolation lah!