Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Healthier Tuna option

In my attempt to eat healthier after CNY, I’ve decided to make tuna salad, either for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. So off I went to get my can of tuna.

I would normally buy solid/tuna chunks in brine but then I saw now they do have in ‘water’ and in ‘spring/mineral water’ depending on the brand. So out of curiosity I took a peek at the nutritional values and compared both.

In my mind, I would think that tuna in water/spring water would have less calories. Fat? Maybe would be the same since the source is from the tuna. But I was surprised to find that, for the brand I bought, per 100g consumed, in brine would provide me with 83kcal and 0.2g fat. But if in water, I would have 87kcal and 0.3g fat. Wait…how does that happen? From another brand, I would be getting 107kcal of fat, when in water!!


Must do some research ;p

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