Inspired by the Mount KK Climbathon. Wanted to register for this year's edition because it was close to my birthday and I thought it would've been a good family getaway, but I didn't. Fearing laack of training (which is awfully true) and of course trying to get the two kids along is quite tough especially when at a place where things may not be as convenient as back home.
So with serious lack of training and serious gainning of fat layers, I need to put in some decent milleage. Or perhaps the easiest would be to cut out/off those malaysian breakfast!! Crap! Control measures should be in plaace by Nov 2011! :)
In the meantime....PJ Half marathon will be a challenge. I wonder what kind of miserable timing would I be clocking?
And that;s a pre-emp for PBIM!!
Happy Deepavali folks!
In conjunction with that, lets hope I get to put in a minimum of 10km tomorrow morning!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Price of education
How much should sending your child to kindergarten or nursery cost?
I believe it should be cheaper.
Some of these kindys or nurseries cost per semester is as much as my one semester in a private college here in KL some years back. And these toddlers are only 3, 4, 5 or 6 years old! Oh boy!
*scratching head thinking of where to send AIR1 to now*
On an average, in the Damansara/TTDI area, RM500 is like normal. But of course there are cheaper ones approximate RM250-350 outside of this area.
Hmmm let me have another thought at it before deciding which should it be.
I believe it should be cheaper.
Some of these kindys or nurseries cost per semester is as much as my one semester in a private college here in KL some years back. And these toddlers are only 3, 4, 5 or 6 years old! Oh boy!
*scratching head thinking of where to send AIR1 to now*
On an average, in the Damansara/TTDI area, RM500 is like normal. But of course there are cheaper ones approximate RM250-350 outside of this area.
Hmmm let me have another thought at it before deciding which should it be.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
16 months

At 16 months (technically another 9 days to go), AIR2 still has 2 front teeth only!! hehehe but if you watch her eat, you'd never think that was the case. She eats almost everything you give her. Rice, noodles, chicken, vege, porridge, fruits, cereal etc but of course most will be cut to smaller pieces. She is eating more that AIR1. She can finish her portion and his too! :D
Not too stable yet in the walking department. Started walking only at 15 months. On the 2nd day she walked confidently, came back from the bbsitter and she started to try to kick a small ball. Boy oh Boy!! Must've seen those boys (and her brother) do it so often that she was just too excited to wait till later.
Not too stable yet in the walking department. Started walking only at 15 months. On the 2nd day she walked confidently, came back from the bbsitter and she started to try to kick a small ball. Boy oh Boy!! Must've seen those boys (and her brother) do it so often that she was just too excited to wait till later.
And like all other toddlers who have just started to walk, she refuses to be guided or to hold her hands, particularly when we are out of the house. She doesn't mind walking holding hands at home :P
She has started to hum to our singing (many months back), follow and try to pronounce the word correctly when read to, especially numbers 1-10 in Malay & English. I was amused when I first heard it. Now can't wait for her to be pronouncing properly.
And like her brother, she too loves to bully me. I have to reprimand her 3 times before she stops doing it, but her daddy has to just go 'hermmmmph' in a stern voice and she stops in her tracks.
Oh well. They grow up too fast....or it is because time pasts too fast? :D ;p
Alone with AIRs
It's whole 4 day of me alone with the kids, over the weekend too.
The 'problem' with this equation is, whenever four of us (hub, AIR1 and AIR2 and I) are together, AIRs will bully me. Yes....literally bully. So I anticipated a horrific, tiring, stressful weekend.
It started since Thursday night and today, Saturday night and suprisingly, all seems well. I was totally worried Sat would be hell. But AIR1 was well behaved, aside from 2 outbursts of stubborn-ness, which was expected of him as he was sleepy, everything was pretty much under control. Even managed to cook proper dinner for them, despite having to scream a couple of times as they invaded the kitchen and made it their playground.
AIR2 was very sticky to me. But it was merely because she was tired and refused to sleep. Now what else is new? ;p
I was amazed that AIR1 was so good to AIR2 the whole day, especially in the morning.
Now I shall see what happens tomorrow.
And on Mon, AIR1 will be going for trial kindy classes. I hope he'll be ok with it.
The 'problem' with this equation is, whenever four of us (hub, AIR1 and AIR2 and I) are together, AIRs will bully me. Yes....literally bully. So I anticipated a horrific, tiring, stressful weekend.
It started since Thursday night and today, Saturday night and suprisingly, all seems well. I was totally worried Sat would be hell. But AIR1 was well behaved, aside from 2 outbursts of stubborn-ness, which was expected of him as he was sleepy, everything was pretty much under control. Even managed to cook proper dinner for them, despite having to scream a couple of times as they invaded the kitchen and made it their playground.
AIR2 was very sticky to me. But it was merely because she was tired and refused to sleep. Now what else is new? ;p
I was amazed that AIR1 was so good to AIR2 the whole day, especially in the morning.
Now I shall see what happens tomorrow.
And on Mon, AIR1 will be going for trial kindy classes. I hope he'll be ok with it.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Cheap vege up for grabs!
Do you notice that most Tesco's will have a rack filled with vege which are already in not such good condition? Well, it's bundled up and perhaps its good to consume within the day or maybe 10% from the pack/bundle are not too fresh anymore. Well, I noticed they used to have that racked filled with almost rotten fruits and it really put me off.
OK, perhaps it was my bad and those fruits might have been lying there more than 1 day. I have recently been going to 'view that rack' to look for those prepacked salads which go for 20-30% of their original price. At RM7-9 per pack originally, am getting them for below RM2 now. And most are still in good and very fresh condition.
I do not have any idea when they usually bring this rack out, but I think those old ladies do. And they must have been waiting for it cos when I coincidentally went there, the racks were full and all the ladies were fighting/grabbing what they could. Luckily they were not 'fighting' for those salad packs. They were fighting for the local variety of vege.
Now I wonder if they (Tesco & the ladies) do that at a certain time everyday. It was quite amusing watching them after I picked my pack of salad. The type I got today wasn't my fav, but better than nothing I suppose.
Do you notice that most Tesco's will have a rack filled with vege which are already in not such good condition? Well, it's bundled up and perhaps its good to consume within the day or maybe 10% from the pack/bundle are not too fresh anymore. Well, I noticed they used to have that racked filled with almost rotten fruits and it really put me off.
OK, perhaps it was my bad and those fruits might have been lying there more than 1 day. I have recently been going to 'view that rack' to look for those prepacked salads which go for 20-30% of their original price. At RM7-9 per pack originally, am getting them for below RM2 now. And most are still in good and very fresh condition.
I do not have any idea when they usually bring this rack out, but I think those old ladies do. And they must have been waiting for it cos when I coincidentally went there, the racks were full and all the ladies were fighting/grabbing what they could. Luckily they were not 'fighting' for those salad packs. They were fighting for the local variety of vege.
Now I wonder if they (Tesco & the ladies) do that at a certain time everyday. It was quite amusing watching them after I picked my pack of salad. The type I got today wasn't my fav, but better than nothing I suppose.
Oh doing it again!
Not updating this negelcted blog. Darn!
And what have I got to say about it this time? Blame it on the kids again? Well, partly but I guess I was very tied up with alot of things too. October's been pretty busy.
And because life is so fragile, I think I'd just better write something today.
Another person in the running/cycling/tri-fratenity has passed on. It was indeed sad, knowing he was only 35 and it happened while he was out on his morning jog. And it could've been me...I was running at that time too. :(
Though I don't know him personally, but through sports, I've heard of him in the frat. Al-fathihah to his family and may the family be strong in going through this.
Not updating this negelcted blog. Darn!
And what have I got to say about it this time? Blame it on the kids again? Well, partly but I guess I was very tied up with alot of things too. October's been pretty busy.
And because life is so fragile, I think I'd just better write something today.
Another person in the running/cycling/tri-fratenity has passed on. It was indeed sad, knowing he was only 35 and it happened while he was out on his morning jog. And it could've been me...I was running at that time too. :(
Though I don't know him personally, but through sports, I've heard of him in the frat. Al-fathihah to his family and may the family be strong in going through this.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Little Reader
It’s almost the end of the year so what’s new?
Same time last year, I was contemplating sending AIR1 to kindergarten (kindy). Too young – my conclusion. Between then and now, I did go around searching for more info on kindy nearby my workplace.
With the arrival of AIR2, I find it more difficult to find time to sit and read to AIR1. There is always the ‘jealousy-factor’ and the ‘no-time-factor’. And at one point (like now), it’s both at the same time.
I realized the importance of reading to a young child, even before he knows how to speak/read with AIR1. I read a lot to him and we (hub & I) noticed his strong growing interests for books. But of course, not many parents today think of introducing ‘reading’ to their kids at very young age. Even people I know sometimes say that their kids don’t even respond or understand, so why read to them. And that’s the misconception. The kids actually absorb what is read to them and they remember.
We would read almost every night (not bed time stories though). But throughout the process, he will not repeat after me. Then one fine day, out of the blue, he can recite almost exact, (actually he made it seem to sound like what he hears), the things he heard many months ago. For instance, a nursery rhyme which I’ve not ‘read’ with him recently (or thought him the hand gestures which was done many months ago.
And I was glad I read to him. Flash cards, books, picture books and even just simple ABC.
Then I chanced upon ‘BrillKids’. Down loaded some trial programmes and found them useful.
One of those is ‘Little Reader’.
It’s sort of like a read-with-me programme which I personally thought was very engaging. AIR2 (at 15months old) can stand and watch the whole thing, while AIR1 (33 months) will follow the whole programme and follow/respond to what is asked for.
What I enjoyed most about the programme is the multisensory section of it (see the photo above). This part is also both the AIRs’ favourite as it draws reactions from these kids. The sound from the animal keeps them glued.
BrillKids has few programmes which can be downloaded and used for a trial period – 2 weeks, I believe. There’s even a Math programme, Littlw Musician and Little Reader (photo shows the interface of this programme).
And after I tried it once on AIR1, he’s been asking for more daily. And he even wants to have control over the slides/programme on his own. Although at times we don’t get to do it daily, I find that he has started to recognize words and read. Not from memory but from mere recognition.
Hop on to BrillKids and learn what it has in store for you. I can’t wait to go through Little Reader daily with him!
Disclaimer - I was provided this product in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion. I was not paid for this review, nor required to write a positive review.
Same time last year, I was contemplating sending AIR1 to kindergarten (kindy). Too young – my conclusion. Between then and now, I did go around searching for more info on kindy nearby my workplace.
With the arrival of AIR2, I find it more difficult to find time to sit and read to AIR1. There is always the ‘jealousy-factor’ and the ‘no-time-factor’. And at one point (like now), it’s both at the same time.
I realized the importance of reading to a young child, even before he knows how to speak/read with AIR1. I read a lot to him and we (hub & I) noticed his strong growing interests for books. But of course, not many parents today think of introducing ‘reading’ to their kids at very young age. Even people I know sometimes say that their kids don’t even respond or understand, so why read to them. And that’s the misconception. The kids actually absorb what is read to them and they remember.
We would read almost every night (not bed time stories though). But throughout the process, he will not repeat after me. Then one fine day, out of the blue, he can recite almost exact, (actually he made it seem to sound like what he hears), the things he heard many months ago. For instance, a nursery rhyme which I’ve not ‘read’ with him recently (or thought him the hand gestures which was done many months ago.
And I was glad I read to him. Flash cards, books, picture books and even just simple ABC.
Then I chanced upon ‘BrillKids’. Down loaded some trial programmes and found them useful.
One of those is ‘Little Reader’.
It’s sort of like a read-with-me programme which I personally thought was very engaging. AIR2 (at 15months old) can stand and watch the whole thing, while AIR1 (33 months) will follow the whole programme and follow/respond to what is asked for.
BrillKids has few programmes which can be downloaded and used for a trial period – 2 weeks, I believe. There’s even a Math programme, Littlw Musician and Little Reader (photo shows the interface of this programme).
And after I tried it once on AIR1, he’s been asking for more daily. And he even wants to have control over the slides/programme on his own. Although at times we don’t get to do it daily, I find that he has started to recognize words and read. Not from memory but from mere recognition.
Hop on to BrillKids and learn what it has in store for you. I can’t wait to go through Little Reader daily with him!
Disclaimer - I was provided this product in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion. I was not paid for this review, nor required to write a positive review.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I've been such a slacker at updating my blog recently. Partly because I was really tied up with work and then there's the other reason - blame the kids ;p
Their late sleeping times do no justice as AIR2 always wants to have her say on the laptop too...and once in a while when 'mummy do work' excuse doesn't work, AIR1 will also butt in for his share of 'ABC'.
Today, one of the rare days...both asleep by 10pm with me. I say with me because when they're alone with me, I always get bullied. They sleep late and demand all sorts of things from me, despite me being stern. Maybe they detect that lil' soft spot in me, despite being stern :)
Now, at 15 months, AIR2 finally has started to walk...on her own, non-stop and even tried to play football...but with a much smaller ball. I guess she must've been itching to do that since the day she saw her brother do it.
then ,there's the 'bouncy' sessions on our bed which she always watches AIR1 enjoy himself doing. And finally, she tries to do it herself, i.e. hold and move hands up and down on her side (like jumping the star-jump), but in reality, her bouncing effect is from all the jumping AIR1 is doing on the bed. Ignorance is bliss....she thinks she is jumping, and she's so happy 'jumping'.
It;s been two consecutive days where she had mild fever at night...I hope it's just a sign of more teeth 'sprouting', because at 15 mths, she only has her two lower-jaw-bunny-teeth. But despite just having 2 teeth only, she eats all sorts of stuff.
1 more item on my to-do-list before I call it a night!
see u next week!
Their late sleeping times do no justice as AIR2 always wants to have her say on the laptop too...and once in a while when 'mummy do work' excuse doesn't work, AIR1 will also butt in for his share of 'ABC'.
Today, one of the rare days...both asleep by 10pm with me. I say with me because when they're alone with me, I always get bullied. They sleep late and demand all sorts of things from me, despite me being stern. Maybe they detect that lil' soft spot in me, despite being stern :)
Now, at 15 months, AIR2 finally has started to walk...on her own, non-stop and even tried to play football...but with a much smaller ball. I guess she must've been itching to do that since the day she saw her brother do it.
then ,there's the 'bouncy' sessions on our bed which she always watches AIR1 enjoy himself doing. And finally, she tries to do it herself, i.e. hold and move hands up and down on her side (like jumping the star-jump), but in reality, her bouncing effect is from all the jumping AIR1 is doing on the bed. Ignorance is bliss....she thinks she is jumping, and she's so happy 'jumping'.
It;s been two consecutive days where she had mild fever at night...I hope it's just a sign of more teeth 'sprouting', because at 15 mths, she only has her two lower-jaw-bunny-teeth. But despite just having 2 teeth only, she eats all sorts of stuff.
1 more item on my to-do-list before I call it a night!
see u next week!
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