Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dinner, Diaper, Shopping...

The day we went out unprepared, was the day baby decided to test us.

Hubby was so confident. We were going for dinner and grocery shopping last night with my mum and I asked if everything for baby was packed. Since I was the last one home, hubby usually would’ve prepared the bag. He told me it wasn’t necessary as he’s just eaten. However, I packed his milk and bottle and pacifier in case he wanted to sleep. Usually his next diaper change would be almost 10-11 pm. So I just packed that bottle, taking hubby’s words that everything else is a-OK.

Upon reaching the makan place, I noticed his diaper was quite full. Another hour, should be ok, I thought. Unfortunately, after dinner, when hubby took him to wash his hands, he realized his nappy has leaked. Boy oh boy! And part of his romper already wet.

So off we went to buy diaper and new baju la. We were at the hypermart so baju choices were not great. The ones we wanted – no size. So ended up with one big diaper pack and one baju, paid and changed immediately, tang tu jugak. Then grocery shopping continued.

The best part of it all – as we checked out, the already opened diaper pack (we took the free sample to use but the main package still intact), was not even queried by the cashier. Not observant at all. Didn’t even ask to check the receipt or ask how come we didn’t put it on the checkout counter. If I really didn’t pay for it, I could’ve walked away with that diaper pack.And then, as we walked off from the cashier, I realized we paid RM25.20 for a pack of Ngan Yin groundnuts. My goodness. Checked with the cashier and was told to go to customer service to get the refund. Apparently when scanned, it was RM25.20….so a complete refund was made. Now, if I haven’t checked the receipt….


isabelle said...

u should have checked every content of every single groundnuts in the pack. ada kacang emas kot! hahaha.

yatie chomeyl said...

isk..giler mahal kacang..nsb baik u check

Anonymous said...

what so special about the nuts?

should have said to the customer service that u r not that nut about their nuts..LOL

reitak said...

ituler pasal...
no in the end we were refunded, cos when they used the bar-code scan again, it still showed RM25.20, so I guess it was wrong in their database in the first place.

I wonder how many 'victims' dah kena..or maybe none cos the data base hasn't been updated...