Why is it that everytime I bring food (not limited to rice only) from home (for lunch at the office), I will always feel hungry almost immediately after?
If I tapau from the stall outside, even if its just mixed rice and nothing fancy, once in a while I do get that feeling. But if I eat outside, I don't get that hunger immediately.
Mmm maybe I must try eating at my desk instead of in the pantry. Pantry can be quite cold.
Oh well....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Let's go to the gym
Used to be a FF gym member for about 5 years. Until I was pregnant. Terminated my membership, knowing it will be unused (not underutilized).
2 years and 2 babies on, I’ve decided that I will not join a gym as it will definitely be underutilized. The so-called gym at my place is good enough and somehow working out outdoors with the kids is a better option. Improvise-lah, in other words.
Recently TF called to offer a free pass for 3 or 4 weeks (depending on which outlet you choose). Since it’s free, why not? So yesterday, I went to the gym in Jaya 33.
It was as though I’ve not been to a gym before. I forgot to pack so many things. Gosh! But anyway, I went.
First impression, BIG and spacious compared to FF. Equipment still quite new. So off I went on the elliptical trainer. Next, I noticed, not all cardio machines were located in areas with TV, unlike in FF. One drawback. I prefer watching the screen then plugging in into songs.
Then I went on to the weight machines. First try, wah, impressed that I could still lift/use the same weight or even slightly more than 2 years back. I guess I still have the strength but my muscles are just not toned. Or perhaps my ‘weights’ back home did help :)
So from one machine to another I went, reliving my previous workouts. As I headed to the free weight area, I got stares from the macho looking guys there. Why? Female can’t do free weights? Felt like giving them a slap, but instead, since I didn’t bring my gloves (excuses), I turned around and went back to the weight machines.
I was kinda bored. Don’t ask me why. I dunno either. Perhaps I felt like an outsider. Haha go gym also must feel welcomed eh? Or I’m now more ‘one-with-nature’? hehe
Then I decided to stretch and call it a day.
The day after – body ache? None. Muscle sore? None. Maybe I didn’t push myself hard enough. But maybe my muscles were already used to it, just that they only need to be toned with more consistent and structured workouts. Well, my 11kg and 5kg awaits me daily at home, shopping, makan2 or jalan2, just about anywhere. :) I just need to get a regular routine up with them after my free pass expires ;p
2 years and 2 babies on, I’ve decided that I will not join a gym as it will definitely be underutilized. The so-called gym at my place is good enough and somehow working out outdoors with the kids is a better option. Improvise-lah, in other words.
Recently TF called to offer a free pass for 3 or 4 weeks (depending on which outlet you choose). Since it’s free, why not? So yesterday, I went to the gym in Jaya 33.
It was as though I’ve not been to a gym before. I forgot to pack so many things. Gosh! But anyway, I went.
First impression, BIG and spacious compared to FF. Equipment still quite new. So off I went on the elliptical trainer. Next, I noticed, not all cardio machines were located in areas with TV, unlike in FF. One drawback. I prefer watching the screen then plugging in into songs.
Then I went on to the weight machines. First try, wah, impressed that I could still lift/use the same weight or even slightly more than 2 years back. I guess I still have the strength but my muscles are just not toned. Or perhaps my ‘weights’ back home did help :)
So from one machine to another I went, reliving my previous workouts. As I headed to the free weight area, I got stares from the macho looking guys there. Why? Female can’t do free weights? Felt like giving them a slap, but instead, since I didn’t bring my gloves (excuses), I turned around and went back to the weight machines.
I was kinda bored. Don’t ask me why. I dunno either. Perhaps I felt like an outsider. Haha go gym also must feel welcomed eh? Or I’m now more ‘one-with-nature’? hehe
Then I decided to stretch and call it a day.
The day after – body ache? None. Muscle sore? None. Maybe I didn’t push myself hard enough. But maybe my muscles were already used to it, just that they only need to be toned with more consistent and structured workouts. Well, my 11kg and 5kg awaits me daily at home, shopping, makan2 or jalan2, just about anywhere. :) I just need to get a regular routine up with them after my free pass expires ;p
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Marathon Benchmark

Yesterday I bumped into one of my many bosses on the way to the pantry, he stopped and said to me that he heard I took part in Newton. (He himself used to be an avid runer) He says not many people can even do a 10km run, after I told him I was very slow in the 12km event. Our small talk went on and he learnt that I also do the triathlon and half and full marathon. As he was telling me about the full marathon in Hong Kong in 2005, I realized that ok, we’re almost on par (our speed lah I mean) seeing that the HK Mara is also running across the bridge, similar to Pg Bridge mara, which I did in 2006. I’ve never done the KL mara. It always clashes with something I have.
And then he was surprised to learn that I too have done the 42km. He then said that there’s only 4 of us in the office now who has done the full mara, and went on to list the 4 down, including me. He seemed impressed.
So, does running the marathon become a benchmark?
It is impressive that one person can run the marathon, esp to those who don’t run. But after completing one, especially without any stoppage, in my opinion, it doesn’t seem to be good enough. Hehe I have the urge to go again and improve my time or to run a longer distance.
But my current condition tells me to sit back, take it easy and stick to shorter runs. My knees are not in their best condition now and I would still need their services for perhaps at least another 30 years or more. Though am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that perhaps Sundown will be my next challenge.
To all TNF runners, be it solo or duo, all the best!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Newton 12/25km Challenge Kuala Lumpur

Finally, my first ever race report.Also my first race/event since Desaru 2006!! Or ok, if you consider Terry Fox 2009 also can lah! ;p
I was excited (1st race in almost 4 years and 3 months post-partum) and worried (1st race with really NO training, hilly route, not sure if body and knee can take it) but I was looking forward to the grueling route and see if I can make a sort-of-come back!
During races, I normally have a toilet routine, and yes, it is literally a routine. So this time, I didn’t think I would have a routine. Haha I dunno why but before every race, I have to visit the toilet 3 times, no matter what I eat or do. So this time, thinking I may not experience the same effect, I left the house after session no.2. Boy was I wrong! Thank God calling no. 3 came as I was in the car park and I managed to run up just in time!
Ok, that aside. I was also worried about parking as recent stories about break-ins were rampant. I managed to park right beside the mosque’s entrance. I was surprised that the first person I met was Jaja. At slightly pass 6am we bumped into each other but she was getting ready for her 25km run at 0630.
So it felt like many other previous events, at the start, sometimes I’m alone. Saw some familiar faces, i.e. faces or people I know but not very close to (but you get to know them thru FB), so I didn’t go up to them. Gutsy Patsy was there and managed to chat with her.
Ok, back to the race. Started slow, but I was surprised to see seasoned runner starting really slow. Anyway, minding my own business I started at a pace I Was comfortable with. 1st hill was in sight and conquered. 2nd hill also conquered. 3rd slope (well it was a slope when I first saw it) was never ending. At the corner, this slope became a hill, and oh boy I was defeated. Tried as hard as I could to run/trot or whatever, just to avoid stopping, but I was defeated. So I did a walk/run/jog/walk routine up to almost the U-turn, which was still on the uphill! And after the U-turn and water station, the urge to stop and walk got very much stronger.
Fighting it, I only walked uphill when I really couldn’t take it (I felt like puking) or downhill when I sensed my knees were not happy. And so my pacing with a few ladies on the same route began. And then came a seasoned runner/triathlete whom I recognized, and I was thinking to myself, how come she’s so slow? She’s usually faster. Oh well, anyway I paced her, keeping her at a certain distance from me. This went on till the last 2 km where I really couldn’t take it anymore. I walked a lot more this time, and my run durations were much shorter and she was about 50m ahead by now. At approx 500-750m to the finish, I started running again slowly.
Bumped into Bandit and kept on running to the finish, but I felt really really horrible when I reached the finishing line. Kept walking and went looking for a drink. I don’t really remember how long I took, but I believe it was about 1hr 40 mins (because when I remembered to stop my stopwatch, it was already 1hr 50mins or so). Oh yes, snail pace it was!
All in all, the heat was unbearable and the route, I think if I had been training/running it would have been bearable, but not when I didn’t train at all. Knowing that I am 3 months post-partum coupled with zilch training, and with that, I was proud of my own achievement. (every race is my race against myself). No pressure, only to finish. No medals nevermind! :) I was fine.
I survived. My body felt like it went through a 21km run instead of just 12km. Post-run effects were much more like a longer race.
The best part of it all? Going home and having lil’ AIR run to you for a BIG HUG! Smelly, sweaty and all : )
On another note, my 2plus years absence from the circuit was an eye-opener. There were many ladies who donned the full headscarf running too. 2 -3 years ago, I only knew of 1 person who runs with that.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Water? Huh?
Water? What's that? After the fasting month, I literally forgot how to drink water ;p
This seems to happen everytime after the fasting month, especially when I'm back in the office. And after almost 10days back in KL, I'm developing ulcers, as the Chinese like to say, I'm 'heaty'lah. Then only I'll remember to start drinking water.
On the 1st and 2nd day back in the office, the only liquid I consumed was during breakfast, coffee and during lunch, iced lemon tea. Both contains caffeine, which has diuretic properties, to the layman it just means that it promotes frequent urination, hence it's not hydrating either. However, regular users may develop tolerance to this, hence it does not significntly contribute to dehydration.
Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline, xanthine alkaloid, that is a psychoactive stimulant drug.
Thank God it wasn't as bad as last year. Bearable discomfort in the mouth. Thank God the weekend's here and my ulcers are getting better!
This seems to happen everytime after the fasting month, especially when I'm back in the office. And after almost 10days back in KL, I'm developing ulcers, as the Chinese like to say, I'm 'heaty'lah. Then only I'll remember to start drinking water.
On the 1st and 2nd day back in the office, the only liquid I consumed was during breakfast, coffee and during lunch, iced lemon tea. Both contains caffeine, which has diuretic properties, to the layman it just means that it promotes frequent urination, hence it's not hydrating either. However, regular users may develop tolerance to this, hence it does not significntly contribute to dehydration.
Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline, xanthine alkaloid, that is a psychoactive stimulant drug.
Thank God it wasn't as bad as last year. Bearable discomfort in the mouth. Thank God the weekend's here and my ulcers are getting better!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hmmm...I've not really done a Raya post, so now Post-Raya? haha
Anyway, I wanted to ramble about clothing for kids. Raya is somewhat known for the fact that families tend to dress in similar colours and even same type of material for their clothings. So walk around, especially during the first day of Raya and you'll see mum and their daughters dress alike and the men in the family also dressed alike. For me, we only keep to the colour scheme. Same colour. My outfit can be of a different designed material from my lil girl's. As long as we keep to the colour :)
At this stage, with AIR1 and 2 at only 20 months and 3 months, respectively, I don't believe in wasting money getting tailor-made outfits for them. Hah, even the mummy also buys off-the-rack :) So what did I do? I bought 1 set for AIR1 after Raya last year, it was on sale and only cost me RM10. Yes, believe it. That doesn't even cover tailoring costs nowadays. Then for AIR2, we went on a last minute walkabout along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and found a shop also selling most of its toddler's outfits for RM10. So there you go! (before that, I was contemplating the one in Jusco/Parkson for RM40++ or so)
And last week, when most were still in the kampungs celebrating Raya, we were back in KL. Went 'shopping' and window shopping and found the baju kurung and baju melayu for kids were going at 70% off!! So what were we waiting for?? One each again and this will be for next year! haha Our theme for next year? Must follow the kids' lah.
Call me stingy, but I belief I was being thrifty and spending wisely...hehe in defense of the well-known 'Penang stinge-trademark' :)
Anyway, I wanted to ramble about clothing for kids. Raya is somewhat known for the fact that families tend to dress in similar colours and even same type of material for their clothings. So walk around, especially during the first day of Raya and you'll see mum and their daughters dress alike and the men in the family also dressed alike. For me, we only keep to the colour scheme. Same colour. My outfit can be of a different designed material from my lil girl's. As long as we keep to the colour :)
At this stage, with AIR1 and 2 at only 20 months and 3 months, respectively, I don't believe in wasting money getting tailor-made outfits for them. Hah, even the mummy also buys off-the-rack :) So what did I do? I bought 1 set for AIR1 after Raya last year, it was on sale and only cost me RM10. Yes, believe it. That doesn't even cover tailoring costs nowadays. Then for AIR2, we went on a last minute walkabout along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and found a shop also selling most of its toddler's outfits for RM10. So there you go! (before that, I was contemplating the one in Jusco/Parkson for RM40++ or so)
And last week, when most were still in the kampungs celebrating Raya, we were back in KL. Went 'shopping' and window shopping and found the baju kurung and baju melayu for kids were going at 70% off!! So what were we waiting for?? One each again and this will be for next year! haha Our theme for next year? Must follow the kids' lah.
Call me stingy, but I belief I was being thrifty and spending wisely...hehe in defense of the well-known 'Penang stinge-trademark' :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
This will be another boring entry without photos, again!
Firstly, congratulations to the new parents, Fong & Faisal....their newborn Zane (Sorry Fong, dunno how to spell his second name) came after a delayed appearance! All 4kg and 'hardwork' was cherished after a cute baby boy (almost the size of my AIR2 at one month) was safely delivered. Congratulations once again! You got me worried when I didn't receive any reply from you...but alhamdulilah when I called the hospital, got your ward number, you were safe and sound :) More pain and pleasure than IM, isn't it?
Apologies if AIR2 was crying too much when Iwent to see you. That's what you get when the baby's colic/kembung/angin whatchamacallit! :) And the drama AIR1 kicked up after the bottle broke! *phaiseh* (embarassed)
Fong, when's the next addition coming? hehe enjoy motherhood and your 60-day-break! :)
Next up, congratulations to newlyweds Lokman and his wife Nadiah! Lovely outfit and wanted to take pics with you guys, but unfortunately, the lil' one wasn't too comfy in the heat and didn't make things easy. Didn't manage to stay too long and missed Faisal.
All the best to Lokman and Nadiah...it's your new walk of life and may you be blessed with mny children! :)
Firstly, congratulations to the new parents, Fong & Faisal....their newborn Zane (Sorry Fong, dunno how to spell his second name) came after a delayed appearance! All 4kg and 'hardwork' was cherished after a cute baby boy (almost the size of my AIR2 at one month) was safely delivered. Congratulations once again! You got me worried when I didn't receive any reply from you...but alhamdulilah when I called the hospital, got your ward number, you were safe and sound :) More pain and pleasure than IM, isn't it?
Apologies if AIR2 was crying too much when Iwent to see you. That's what you get when the baby's colic/kembung/angin whatchamacallit! :) And the drama AIR1 kicked up after the bottle broke! *phaiseh* (embarassed)
Fong, when's the next addition coming? hehe enjoy motherhood and your 60-day-break! :)
Next up, congratulations to newlyweds Lokman and his wife Nadiah! Lovely outfit and wanted to take pics with you guys, but unfortunately, the lil' one wasn't too comfy in the heat and didn't make things easy. Didn't manage to stay too long and missed Faisal.
All the best to Lokman and Nadiah...it's your new walk of life and may you be blessed with mny children! :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Raya 2010

Raya? Gosh, this year the mood hasn’t set in. I’ve no idea why.
Maybe cos my kids are not at the age yet to ‘know’ raya or perhaps because we’re just busy. But amidst all that, we managed to at least get baju raya for the two of them. :) Maybe because I won't be on leave for very long.
Alvina’s baju raya would probably be still wearable 6 months from now, and on the 1st day of Raya, even just wearing the top would be more than enough. Yeah, it’s THAT BIG! Hehe
Asrul’s baju raya, bought 6-7months ago was intended to be kept till this Raya! Hehe and luckily he can still fit into it, as I intentionally bought it 1 size larger.
Other than that? Mummy and Daddy will be ‘recycling’ baju raya, and all other accessories.
Packing? Usually I start 2-3 days ahead, to avoid forgetting anything, since having AIR, but this time, I’m leaving tomorrow, and I’ve not started! And talk about travelling with 2!! I’m sure the car will be filled to the max, and on the return, it will still be just as full, but now filled with Raya goodies.
Many seems to have left KL, looking at the traffic this morning and so I hope the journey back tomorrow night would be jam-free.
To all travelling this whole week, drive safely and Selamat Hari Raya!
And especially to Fong, expecting your new arrival at this point of time will surely be an exciting one! Safe delivery and Selamat Hari Raya to you too! Will visit you when I come back.
image - thanks to vectorise
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sinari Lebaran - TV3 Raya Ad
It was finally aired on Friday on TV3 but my short-lived fame lasted only 2 days.
What am I referring too? The very much talked about (only if you watch TV3) Raya Advert by TV3. When I was asked to attend the shoot, I was told it was themed ‘Fantasy Raya’, i.e. a boy’s fantasy of Raya sparked off when he saw a picture of a trishaw. The shoot (especially for the kids) took 2 days, but I was there for my portion for only 1 day. End product – I had no idea.
So after all the waiting, I was told that it was going to be aired on Friday ( 3rd sept) and after waiting and waiting, I finally caught a glimpse of it before breaking of fast (can’t really rmbr what time, but I think it was before 7pm), that too, I missed the beginning.
Then when I saw the clip online, it was on You Tube and TV3’s FB page, it didn’t appear like how I imagined it to be. And to top it off, it sparked a lot of controversial comments especially from the Muslims in the country. It is said to have elements of Christianity (flying trishaw i.e. Santa Claus), Buddhism (flying lotus flowers) and Hinduism (a lot of lights, portraying Deepavali the festival of lights). I guess these comments were right in their own way because when I showed the clip to my mum and aunts (all non-Muslims) the first comment was ‘Why is that Santa?’ then it was ‘What exactly is it trying to portray? It’s not like a Raya Ad’.
Well, yeah it doesn’t look like a Raya Ad at all. Anyway, check it out here. (Not sure if it'll stay here forever due to the controversy)
So there goes my short-lived fame! Hahaha the other advert, which is supposed to be a 1Malaysia-concept advert, well I’ve not seen it yet. Now just not my luck I guess. 1 scrapped even before airing, 1 taken off air and now the other – dunno where it is. Hehe but the most important of all, I’m paid! :D
On a lighter note – although it lasted for about 2 days , I’m surprised that there were people who recognized me from that short 2s of close up shot. Few other shots were in a group and not so clear. :)
What am I referring too? The very much talked about (only if you watch TV3) Raya Advert by TV3. When I was asked to attend the shoot, I was told it was themed ‘Fantasy Raya’, i.e. a boy’s fantasy of Raya sparked off when he saw a picture of a trishaw. The shoot (especially for the kids) took 2 days, but I was there for my portion for only 1 day. End product – I had no idea.
So after all the waiting, I was told that it was going to be aired on Friday ( 3rd sept) and after waiting and waiting, I finally caught a glimpse of it before breaking of fast (can’t really rmbr what time, but I think it was before 7pm), that too, I missed the beginning.
Then when I saw the clip online, it was on You Tube and TV3’s FB page, it didn’t appear like how I imagined it to be. And to top it off, it sparked a lot of controversial comments especially from the Muslims in the country. It is said to have elements of Christianity (flying trishaw i.e. Santa Claus), Buddhism (flying lotus flowers) and Hinduism (a lot of lights, portraying Deepavali the festival of lights). I guess these comments were right in their own way because when I showed the clip to my mum and aunts (all non-Muslims) the first comment was ‘Why is that Santa?’ then it was ‘What exactly is it trying to portray? It’s not like a Raya Ad’.
Well, yeah it doesn’t look like a Raya Ad at all. Anyway, check it out here. (Not sure if it'll stay here forever due to the controversy)
So there goes my short-lived fame! Hahaha the other advert, which is supposed to be a 1Malaysia-concept advert, well I’ve not seen it yet. Now just not my luck I guess. 1 scrapped even before airing, 1 taken off air and now the other – dunno where it is. Hehe but the most important of all, I’m paid! :D
On a lighter note – although it lasted for about 2 days , I’m surprised that there were people who recognized me from that short 2s of close up shot. Few other shots were in a group and not so clear. :)
Funny Feeling
I do get a funny tingling sensation at my neck and back of my waist area when I’m nervous. However, from sahur this morning, I have been getting that. I assumed it will only last a while. Almost 6 hours on, I still am having this sensation and I’m not liking it. It can be very annoying, cos sometimes it pulsates. And when I’m trying to lean back and at least rest, it does not help.
What is wrong?!
What is wrong?!
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