Reading comments on my earlier post triggered this. Oh yes, my supposedly superb Saturday started out horribly. My itinery was supposed to be spa, kids photography, musical then rest.
went right on time, only to hear the reception tell me that I was not booked for that day. Called hub to clarify and he said he booked thru our consultant, which for some reason or other didn't place the booking and asked her colleague to let us know but the colleague didn't. WEI!! You are the consultant, why can't you tell us? You mentioned that if you didn't call us back, means appointment was made. And only when I stepped into the premise, your bongok colleague comes up to me and said, 'Oh so-and-so told me to tell you this.' WHAT? I asked why can't either one of you call us?her reason? 'because I just arrived.' WHAT? as though your system doesn't have our telephone numbers and as though you were only told this morning or last night? The appt was made like 4 days ago..hellooooo! I told her off with that last sentence and stormed off to the ladies. And no, having a full bladder doesn't make me less intolerable, I'm not tolerable to stupid reasonings.
Came out and the reception asked if she could reschedule for me and I said 'NO! I want my appt right now!' I'm not to be taken lightly here. Unfortunately only a male therapist was available, so my dreams of having a body massage went right through the toilet. Ended up with only foot reflexology. Darn!
And after that 30mins ordeal, I'm running out of time...So I had to only settle with that ONE treatment.
Kids photog
It was ok, except that when it was AIR1's turn, he was very stingy with his smile and he was distracted by a ball...he just has to have that ball and kick it a about.
By the time it was AIR2's turn, AIR1 was tired and cranky, didn't make my usually smily AIR2 feel any better as she too was quite worn out, waiting and it was few hours after her 3rd booster jab.
I got invites from AMBP (All m'sian bloggers) for Peter Pan The Musical, but by the time I reached home, I wasn't well...I was feeling feverish, body achy and throat starting to be painful. I seriously had to forgo it, because Sunday was another day hub had to work, and me at home with the kiddos this time. I contemplated to go, tried to get ready, but oh well, it was too late. Apologies to AMBP. Thanks for the invite but I know I missed a great show!
I was pissed, I guess it all started from that darn spa appointment. See, maybe if I did have the massage, I'd feel good enough for the musical. Oh well....and today, the monday after, I'm in no mood, for dunno what reasons....just feeling blah...
Monday, November 29, 2010

Feeling kinda 'blaaah'..dunno why.
Not very busy at work, erm 'no kick' and dunno what's wrong. Monday blues? Maybe its the blues when you don't have enough adrenalin highs for a long time...;p
I WANT to train!!!
Sugar-high today my vanilla coke-fix and kueh seri muka ;p talk about piling up the calories.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Want to blog, but no mood. I wonder why...
So many things lined up for the weekend, but not sure if all will happen. Perhaps the only thing which will materialise is the escaping of escape, my spa treatment and the kids' photography.
Oh well....
So many things lined up for the weekend, but not sure if all will happen. Perhaps the only thing which will materialise is the escaping of escape, my spa treatment and the kids' photography.
Oh well....
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Raya Haji 2010

Something new this year. In-laws hosted the kenduri aqiqah and korban. Yup, 1 poor lembu will be slaughtered. This will be for both the kids.
Unfortunately it was kinda hap-hazard and I didn't have time to snap any pics. Photo above taken from here.
That was because we left KL to Kedah on the eve after work. Arrived approx 1am, and AIR refused to go to bed. We went in and out of the room twice and finally about 3am both of us slept in front of the TV. And he woke up at 6am after that. Oh boy...and the whole morning, while waiting for the sacrifice of the cow to take place, he was sleepy and was all moody and whinny. Up till about 10minutes before, he slept. So by the time I went to see it, already 'niat' (the intentions were already made) by hub with AIR2 there. I arrived in time to see the knife to the throat. ;p
It would've been interesting if AIR was awake to see this, seeing his current obsession with animals. Or would it be traumatic?
Then the day was full of taking care of both kids amidst entertaining (technically they entertained themselves, but I just answered questions when they asked me) guests (mainly relatives and neighbours). The two AIRs kept me busy. It was indeed a long day.
A trip back to the kampung is never complete if AIR doesn't go for his morning stroll chasing cats and hens/cocks. Somehow, this trip back there wasn't as many hens/cocks as the previous. And if the cock crowed, AIR would clutch on to me really tightly. Its really amusing. This time, he found some kittens beneath some racks. He wasn't even afraid of them. He immediately caught one and held on to it really tightly. So tight that the poor fella was calling out for help. The moment he let go, mama cat came and grabbed her lil' one away. But AIR didn't hessitate to give chase!
On one of the days, a leach 'visited' my foot. Luckily I felt something cold and moving, looked down just in time. Leach hasn't 'attacked' me!
It was a 4 day break and it coincided with the Penang Bridge International Marathon. I intended to run on Sunday morning before heading home to KL but after some re-evaluation of the situation (having to go outstation on Mon and a possible traffic jam on Sun), I decided to give it a miss and we left Pg on Sat night, after seeing the Malaysian doubles lose the gold medal in badminton Asian Games.
Thank God it was smooth sailing back to KL and AIR didn't wake up when we reached home.
It's not what it supposed to be :)
Read - ya (the baku version) with - am (also baku version)
And that's what lil' AIR1 started to call his daddy.
Location 1 - back in the kg where there's no internet connection
Scene - packing the car to go home.
Me: Yang, you'll have to carry him later cos his shoes are in the car, ok?
AIR2: yaaaam! (his version of 'yang')
and so it stuck with him for a while. I had to use Daddy again and only he followed :)
Location 2 - shopping centre in KL
Scene - walking about and I was carrying AIR2, all of a sudden...
AIR2 - yaaaaam!
I was puzzled but then I realised he was calling out for daddy cos he was ahead of us. I had to correct him again. :)
Read - ya (the baku version) with - am (also baku version)
And that's what lil' AIR1 started to call his daddy.
Location 1 - back in the kg where there's no internet connection
Scene - packing the car to go home.
Me: Yang, you'll have to carry him later cos his shoes are in the car, ok?
AIR2: yaaaam! (his version of 'yang')
and so it stuck with him for a while. I had to use Daddy again and only he followed :)
Location 2 - shopping centre in KL
Scene - walking about and I was carrying AIR2, all of a sudden...
AIR2 - yaaaaam!
I was puzzled but then I realised he was calling out for daddy cos he was ahead of us. I had to correct him again. :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Peter Pan The Musical
Come 26th November 2010 till 2nd January 2011, Sunway Lagoon Amphitheatre will play hosts to Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Wendy, as well as Captain Hook and Mr. Smee, and the whole production is being dubbed as ‘Malaysia’s first prestigious London West End Theatre musical production’.
Produced and choreographed by talents hailing from London’s famous West End theatre district, this musical tells the well-known and affectionate story of a boy who would just never grow up.
So, what are you waiting for? Sprinkle some pixie dust and fly over to Sunway Lagoon's Peter Pan the Musical microsite for more information on ticketing and show schedules.
Bring the whole family to enjoy this heartwarming classic tale of this young boy!
No break....
It seemed like this site was where things decided to just go wrong!
Day 1 - it was deeper than we thought, so took much longer than we expected.
Day 2 - after all that extra depth and off-sets, the cutter was not sharp anymore, hence anymore cutting was slow and not effective. Thank goodness the contractor managed to source a temporary replacement.
and because of that, we still have to work on Day 3, when in actual fact, we would actually only need to worry about packing to go home. Oh's not always smooth and easy ride out there.
And after 2 nights, I've still not got out of bed for a morning run, which I had been planning to. By 630am, I just decided it was too bright and hot for me to run. And so I decided to put on the snooze and sleep for another 30 minutes. Now, tomorrow it WILL not be the same! I shall drag my bu&& out of bed for at least a 30min run towards the shore and along the road parallel to the sea (no beach lah) before heading out to site. That's the benefit of staying close to the site.
Day 1 - it was deeper than we thought, so took much longer than we expected.
Day 2 - after all that extra depth and off-sets, the cutter was not sharp anymore, hence anymore cutting was slow and not effective. Thank goodness the contractor managed to source a temporary replacement.
and because of that, we still have to work on Day 3, when in actual fact, we would actually only need to worry about packing to go home. Oh's not always smooth and easy ride out there.
And after 2 nights, I've still not got out of bed for a morning run, which I had been planning to. By 630am, I just decided it was too bright and hot for me to run. And so I decided to put on the snooze and sleep for another 30 minutes. Now, tomorrow it WILL not be the same! I shall drag my bu&& out of bed for at least a 30min run towards the shore and along the road parallel to the sea (no beach lah) before heading out to site. That's the benefit of staying close to the site.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sabah Chicken Rice

Sounds very erm 'grand' but the menu and the shops seems otherwise. It actually sells more than just chicken rice. hah!
But, the rice isn't very tasty. The chicken's quite nice and this place is actually erm like a typical Chinese 'tai chow' place. There's the one-dish-meals and ala-carte dishes you can order and have with rice. Nothing to shout about lah, but kinda pricey for a small town.
RM7 for a small portion of mix vege, RM4.50 for one portion of roast chicken, RM6.50 for a portion of clay pot noodles. Price is more like what I get in KL. Maybe we'll just go for the road side stalls tomorrow. Wanna see what the locals have here.
It's amazing that these people just like to do business in the dark. No street lights, but they will set up stalls by the road side. Nothing much to explore but luckily not all shops close at 9pm anymore. 1 more night to go.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Maiden ride after.....

4 looooong years!
That's how long it was sitting around, moved from one house to another and finally it saw tarmac again, from all angles! haha
Of course, I had to perform some stunts! I decided to ride 'proper' with helmet and bike shoes, wanting to practise what clipping and unclipping.
Comfortably 'rode' a slight downhill towards a flat, then turned around, backtrack again. OK, the uphill didn't look very tormenting, but for someone who hasn't ridden for 4 years, and first time clipping my shoes.....I realised my bike almost came to a stand still and it was too late before I unclipped! So you can guess what happened next! AH-HAH! Thank God knee scrapped a bit and no one to laugh at me! *shy*
After half an hour of going round and round and round and realising that I need to do a lot more (perhaps the gym would help) before attempting some mild slopes, I decided I had enough. Jaja, luckily I didn't follow you guys the other day....I'd probably be pushing my bike ALL the way! Maybe I shall target 1 month from now! (keeping fingers n toes crossed)
I kept trying to imagine how I did it the last time I started riding. I guess it was more or less flats and with a couple of friends with lots of patience. ;0 Now, I need to get down this steep hill where I call home, and then decide how to get myself up after my rides on the flats.....
If there's a will, there's always a way!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Lahad Datu, here I come....
This is going to be my first ever outstation trip after having 2 kids, without them tagging along!
Planned for 3 days, but looks like it's gonna be 4 days. Work, work and work!
Keeping fingers crossed that AIR2 will be well by then (she sleeps through the night if she's well), and AIR1 will not be extra manja. But then again, AIR1 knows when to and not to be manja. He's extremely clingy to me these 2 weeks..
So 4 days away may mean I may get to slot in some workouts ;p but then Lahad Datu gets dark early. I'm not about to wake up too early when I have the chance to sleep in a bit longer ;p
And, after coming back, I'll be going for a race with none other than Fong! YAhoo!! It's going to be our first race together ever since erm...(ok, I shall leave the years out) we knew each other. Technically, we never partnered or teamed up with each other. Yalah, mix team always has us separated and we were always short of members to make a full women's team. Excited excited! (as though it's my first race ever!)
Lets hope dear hubby will not be driven up the wall by AIR1. And he will be in good health throughout that week!
Planned for 3 days, but looks like it's gonna be 4 days. Work, work and work!
Keeping fingers crossed that AIR2 will be well by then (she sleeps through the night if she's well), and AIR1 will not be extra manja. But then again, AIR1 knows when to and not to be manja. He's extremely clingy to me these 2 weeks..
So 4 days away may mean I may get to slot in some workouts ;p but then Lahad Datu gets dark early. I'm not about to wake up too early when I have the chance to sleep in a bit longer ;p
And, after coming back, I'll be going for a race with none other than Fong! YAhoo!! It's going to be our first race together ever since erm...(ok, I shall leave the years out) we knew each other. Technically, we never partnered or teamed up with each other. Yalah, mix team always has us separated and we were always short of members to make a full women's team. Excited excited! (as though it's my first race ever!)
Lets hope dear hubby will not be driven up the wall by AIR1. And he will be in good health throughout that week!
Spa-rri-fic day!

The long-awaited spa treatment finally arrived ;p (the last I had a massage was during confinement haha)
Swedish massage followed by a relaxing eye-treatment, and guess what? during the eye-treatment I fell asleep....and just as I dozed off, I believe I was snoring...(so embarassing, cos I rarely snore. I must've been really tired and usually after a massage, it's so good to zzzzzz)
As the therapist came to finish up the eye-treatment, she told me, 'you sleep very well' *opps, shy shy* hahaha
And now I feel like I can just do about anything....hahaha
Counting the days to the next one....
No brainer!
It is NOT a MAJOR issue when something goes missing from your desk at work, but when a whole roll of tape was taken off its dispenser, I AM MAD!
C' least have the courtesy to leave a note to say you've taken it or something of that effect, and not let the owner find out the next day!!
2 days later, a colleague comes up to me and gives me back an almost-gone roll of tape, and said so&so asked me to return to you. I'm like WHAT?? What's the point of returning an almost empty roll? might as well just throw it away and make dunno so at least I won't be so annoyed knowing that there's a dumb-a$$ out there with such a mentality!! Just because you're a bit more senior to me at work??
C' least have the courtesy to leave a note to say you've taken it or something of that effect, and not let the owner find out the next day!!
2 days later, a colleague comes up to me and gives me back an almost-gone roll of tape, and said so&so asked me to return to you. I'm like WHAT?? What's the point of returning an almost empty roll? might as well just throw it away and make dunno so at least I won't be so annoyed knowing that there's a dumb-a$$ out there with such a mentality!! Just because you're a bit more senior to me at work??
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What a week!
After what seemed like eons, my throat finally felt much better, but it didn't last too long. By evening, it was starting to show signs of pain again. Aaaargh!! I'm totally at my wits ends already!
And to make things worse, AIR2 is starting to show signs of flu. Adoi....
And AIR1's scratch on his nose seems to take forever to cure. Before it dries up, he'll scratch it again, and this process repeats itself daily. Oh boy, please don't leave a scar on the lil' boy's nose....
Thank God it's the long weekend. Mum & Dad will be around, we (hub, AIR1 & I) will be going for Terry Fox Run this sunday and let's hope things turn out well! Die die also I must go-lah...cos I helped organized it for a huge team from the office ;p
And to make things worse, AIR2 is starting to show signs of flu. Adoi....
And AIR1's scratch on his nose seems to take forever to cure. Before it dries up, he'll scratch it again, and this process repeats itself daily. Oh boy, please don't leave a scar on the lil' boy's nose....
Thank God it's the long weekend. Mum & Dad will be around, we (hub, AIR1 & I) will be going for Terry Fox Run this sunday and let's hope things turn out well! Die die also I must go-lah...cos I helped organized it for a huge team from the office ;p
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