Friday, August 28, 2009
Run, Run, Run
I was esctatic!!
It was a gloomy evening and I felt like I had the whole TTDI park to myself. The only other runner has decided to run outside and within the park were some people walking around, some with kids and some just contemplating if they should stay or leave, as it seemed like it was going to pour!
I started and felt like all my joints were going to be jolted off their sockets. Funny feeling it was. I've never trained/ran before breaking fast, last year all was done after sahur. This year, time was an issue, so the only spare time i had was in the evening.
I ran and ran and I just felt good. I think i ran almost as fast as normal, but midway I had tummy cramps which I had to slow down. Seriously painful and I've not had this before.
I even spotted a group of monkeys dipping in the pool (errr its a smaller pond but not really utilised anymore) and I wanted to take a photo of them, but unfortunately on my 2nd round, they were gone!
Anyhow, I had great fun, stopped when hubby called to say he'll meet me at the PaRam (Pasar Ramadhan) 30 minutes later. I think this 30 minutes was the best ever!
ON the 6th Day, it rained and I'm hoping today it won't...since it poured all morning!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A smart and credible lady, well known TV personality and she gets enticed?
Anyway, that’s what her husband claims and is suing a businessman for it. He is being prosecuted under Section 498 of the Penal Code for ‘enticing or taking away or detaining with a criminal intent a married woman’.
I read with interest that in our law, ‘protects’ women. In this case, if a man (single) tries to entice a married woman, it is an offence against the man (sorry I can’t remember the codes, those I got off The Malay Mail). However, if a woman (single) entices a married man, neither the man nor this woman is in the wrong. Now you see why I placed the ‘quotion’ marks on the word protect?
I quote….this is because in the olden days, women are so called slaves (or under control) of the man. And as such, the man has rightful ‘ownership’ of his wife. Therefore he can charge another person for enticing.
But I guess this doesn’t apply to the modern world. If it did, I think its only fair that it should work both ways. How come if woman entices married man (which is quite a norm nowadays) is not wrong? I’m not against the female gender but I’ve seen too many to feel and think that women are not as innocent as they want to be treated or appear to be. But that being said, it only works if the two hands clap, right? In any case, what about if the ‘enticer’ is the party who is married? Now, what should it be?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Breaking Fast!
I think the Ramadhan set menu was really worth it. For RM15.90, I got 1 starter (it was some kind of puff, yeah puff pastry), 1 main and 1 desert (bread pudding with date) and 1 drink (cincau with root beer). It was yummy…there were 4 types of mains to choose from. Hubby had the lamb shank and it came with soup (no, not part of the set menu) and I literally was filled to the brim.
So on the 2nd day we decided to just have it at home. Tapau-ed some food from the nearby bazaar and had our fill too. It was our first time going to this bazaar in Cheras cos we just moved there. And well, desserts were pricey but the rest were reasonably priced.
And on the 3rd day, we finally went to the TTDI bazaar. Somehow I wasn’t too impressed, I dunno, could be I was having a splitting headache and it was unbearably hot out there. Or perhaps I just wasn’t in the mood. I dunno.
Maybe today we’ll try again or perhaps try the one at Sg. Penchala. Hmmmm it’s only lunch time and I’m writing about food. But I’m not thinking about it or feeling hungry though.
Time seems to be flying by…
Monday, August 24, 2009
Beatiful Baby Search Contest....Looking for beautiful Prince & Princess

Looks like I'm too late for the special prizes, but then I'll hope for the bigger ones...:)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Merdeka Belly Contest

Here we go!
When she agreed to take on the role of the babysitter, she was agreeable to us picking up AIR late, of course not extremely late la. By the time we reach home, on a normal day is almost 7pm, that is if I leave sharp at 530pm. If the traffic condition is not so good, normally I would be back by 740pm. OK, so I don't leave sharp at 530...I the time i get to my car and leave the car park, its 6. And of course there are times when I just don't want to get caught in traffic, so I go my jog/run till about 645/7pm.
So anyway, she has agreed and we were thinking that it would be the same all year round. Perhaps we will make it a point to fetch him before breaking fast. So now she expects us to fetch him by 530pm.
She thinks we are working with the gov. She thinks during fasting, we get off work at 4pm. Yah, right. When we explain to her, its the distance, plus even if we do get off that early, the traffic, (where the rest of the world too will want to go back early) will also delay our journey. And what do we get from her? A weird reaction on her face.
So what do you do?
What did we do? We simply stopped sending AIR to her. Full-stop!
arrrrgh so annoyed. First you asked for extra/higher $$$ and you agreed to the slightly longer hours, so we obliged. We didn't want to make a fuss about it. Then now you come up with some conditions, excuses etc etc....fine...well, what she doesn't know won't hurt, right? she won't know that perhaps after the Ramadhan, we will also not send AIR to her anymore....which is highly likely.
Anyway, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak To All Muslimin & Muslimat..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mini Cupcakes Revisited

I creamed the butter manually, and somehow I realized its not that easy…but then I told myself that this is easy compared to the usual gym routines. Hehe and so batter was done in no time but it was assembling it into those miniscule cups that took ages. After almost 1.5hrs (I don’t really remember how long exactly) out came 36 mini cupcakes. That’s slow cos my oven is not that big and at one go I can only make 18, that’s 2 trays, so in order to save some time, I fill 1 tray then put it in, then fill the other, and rotate.
So walla....36 pcs appeared...:) *photos later la...*

Monday, August 17, 2009
And he's said it all!
He loves talking to himself, and sometimes his toys ones he awakes. NO more loud cries to announce that he has awaken. Thank goodness.
And so as I listened, I heard less of ‘bu’s…then I peered into his cot and suddenly he’s full of ‘da’s….he was da-da-da-ing away…
And so he has spoken. It’s dada and not mama….:P
So he’s got a slightly wider range of sounds to make now….
And we keep on waiting for the magical mama or mummy...:P
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thugs?Ah Long?
I was totally shocked when I realize one motorcyclist was beating up another at the U-turn approaching Uptown. Motor A was from the NKVE direction, at the junction, he plonkked his bike on the road, ran up to Motor B (from TTDI direction), and started beating him up. Then suddenly, Motor C stopped and went to beat Motor B too. I think all the cars/vehicles were taken by surprised including myself. All this happened like 1 hr ago...
After the U-turn, I turned into Uptown, and half the mind wanted to stop at the police station. At that point, I saw a man at the roadside, bringing out his camera/phone and started to take photo/video.
Scarry man. I wouldn’t want to be seen doing that. Later those people may just come after me. So I just drove off and went to my car park and texted hubby to tell him.
Weird. I’ve a strong suspicion that they know each other. Probably a love dispute, or family dispute. Well, if you’re beaten up, wouldn’t you be crying out for help? This fella didn’t seem to be. Perhaps Ah Long case…but dunno la…
Scarry scarry….
But my Briyani still tasted as good and I can’t wait for next Friday again…
Thursday, August 13, 2009
From the package we got through the contest, we were entitled to only 3 pcs of 4R for free. An upgrade to 5R would cost RM3 each. Fine, so we took that. Am aware that all these will just lure us to spend more. But then looking at the shots that we have, it would be a waste to not print it for keepsake. No softcopy given but if you want, it will cost RM30/pc!!! What??! We were totally shocked! This is REALLY EXORBITANT! OK, fine we will just stick to reprinting some of it and laminating it. Laminate also RM4/pc. Aiyo…all money la…I was ready to part with RM100 or so before we entered the place, but ended up burning a bigger hole in my wallet! POOF!
Since hubby had a better sense in photography, I wanted him along. So I told him, we just pick a few, print and then we give to my parents and yours too. Haaaa we ended up with 24 prints (including the 3 free ones) and a huge hole in my wallet! Hahaha
Nevermind la, its not often. The guy there kept suggesting that we get it into an album…just the album, costs from RM60 and above. Darn! Nevermind…
Can’t wait to get those peapod pics in 10 days’ time.
I’ve got a voucher for a family photoshoot (nope, its not free, just a discounted rate, nothing comes free with this place). Hubby seems quite keen. :D So perhaps after Raya we may think about it. Want to wait till at least AIR can stand on his own. In 2 months’ I suppose he could…:P I hope…
OK OK, perhaps a lil’ bit bout this place. The albums/photos are all very nicely and creatively done. Especially for the kids. Lots of costumes to choose from. But don’t ask me the price. It’s quite pricey but I guess its best to enquire yourself to suit your package. Check out De One Studio. Nothing very impressive online, but the displays at the place really impressive. Heard it was involved in the making of ‘Gugu Gaga Erra’….
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First bruise...
Apparently he didn’t even cry when she tried to rub and apply some oil on the bruise on his cheek. This bruise was only noticeable the next day. People thought he was having hot-flushes cos his cheek was reddish….hahaha
Tapi poor thing la…esp his eyes…it looked quite bad, but he didn’t seem bothered bout it at all. I guess at this stage, I will have to expect more of these to come…the fact that he now loves to stand and likes to do funny poses while standing. He still can’t stand on his own though. Hmmm
‘Bu’ seems to be his favourite word other than ‘ah’, ‘oh’ and ‘eh’….I don’t think we ever thought him to say ‘ibu’ perhaps ‘lembu’ cos he’s got a ‘dice’ toy with a picture of a cow. Or perhaps its from the sound ‘brrrrrr’ we do to him very often. In the meantime, we’re still waiting to see if its gonna be ‘daddy’ or ‘mummy’ or any version close to this first….hehe.
Mini Cupcakes
In my rush trying to get those cupcakes done, Iforgot to take photos of them.
OK, things seemed simpler this time. erm, perhaps I was getting the hang of it? hehehe cam terror la pulak, kan?
I'm not sure actually how large those cupcakes were supposed to be in the recipe, but I wanted mine mini. yup, bite-size-like and it turned out to be just as I wanted. I was happy, considering the fact that I didn't 'cream the butter and sugar' like the recipe called for, and I did it my way.
I wasn't dry or hard like my previous attempt. I made plain vanilla cupcakes as I didn't want to buy ingredients for the frosting, not knowing if my cupcakes would turn out fine. If it didn't, then those would just go to waste.
The best part was, halfway preparing th ingredients, I heard a cat meow-ing away somewhere 'behind' or nearby..I thought perhaps this 'lost' cast was nearby outside (where it was the night before). Realizing the main door was opened, I quickly went to shut it, not wanting it to trespass. I was in the kitchen, baby sleeping in the room. And no one else was around. And after a while, I heard the meow again. I turned, and saw it was starring back at me from the small 'store' behind me. Alamak!!
I tried to lure it out (I dislike cats), but I guess I wasn't being nice enough to encourage the poor frighten cat out from its 'hiding'. So in the end, I shut the door to the store to keep the cat in. I was afraid it may roam around and mess up my house. I was too busy trying to bake ma! haha
So I texted hubby and told him he had a task when he comes back later.
Then I continued with baking and 'House'.
I realise i tend to not fill the cups enough in my 1st attempt. 1st attempt - 2 trays of 9 pcs each. 2nd attempt - 1 tray of 9 pcs, and 1 tray of 4 pcs. hehehe imbalances but this one reaped slightly larger ones. And I added some 'tiramisu' flavouring to it. But then I can't taste the difference la. hmmm so much for that extra flavouring :D
So, back to cupcaking - now that i can do it ok, I guess mini cupcakes would be one of the items i'll make for Raya! hahaha erm, wait, I need to make it more interesting with cute frosting la. errrrr perhaps next attempt! :D
Monday, August 10, 2009
MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby with TOYS Contest
However, that being said, I noticed that he has his ye ol’ faithful – the seahorse rattle, the all-time-fav-but-always-not-allowed – the ASTRO remote control and the ultimate-too-huge-for-him – Big Book of ABCs.
The seahorse rattle – he had this since he learnt how to grip and hold and stuff things into his mouth, circa 2 months plus. This is his first rattle, and in my attempt to give him other types of rattle (he has a box which had almost 10 varieties of rattles as his gift) to use up all in the box, he still loves this. Perhaps it’s the sound, its multiple rings and just-nice shape which got him stuck to this. He ‘kisses’ seahorse on his ‘snout’ and stuffs it into his mouth very often, while alternating between munching on the rings and the ‘fin’. This toy introduces various shapes and textures embossed on it to him.
His all-time-fav-but-not-allowed toy is the ASTRO remote control. Give him any other toy next to this one (the seahorse included) and the remote control wins hands down EVERYTIME. Give him a different remote control, he will not even take a second glimpse. He is glued to this because of the multi-coloured buttons within the remote and perhaps also the size of these buttons. I’ve tried giving him another remote control with some colour, but smaller buttons, and he just couldn’t be bothered. The fact that this is a remote control, we rarely let him play with it. The moment he sets eyes on it, it’s tough to get it away from him. We were tempted to buy him a ‘pirated’ one from the pasar malam, but at RM15, we decided it could be better spent on better toys/things for him. Stingy ei…hehe…No lar..cos if we buy and let him play a dummy remote control, later on, he may just think all remote controls are his toys. Not a good move.
Then the ultimate-too-huge-for-him ABC book. He loves the pictures and when it was first introduced to him, he will coo and make sounds when you read to him. There’s 5 in a pack, but for now, only 2 are relevant and easy for him to look at the pictures. I discovered his liking and attraction to large colourful pictures when I was breastfeeding him in the BabyRoom where a poster with some daily items was on the wall and he kept looking at it. After feeding, I took him nearer and he loved it. Trying to interact and wanting to touch all the items there.
Click here for more info. Hurry, before 15th August 2009...
Friday, August 7, 2009
What time is it?
I was just so distracted. Had some reports to prepare but everytime I try to do it, after few minutes, I’m already attempting to ‘tab’ to other pages or the internet to view something else. Adoi. Not to mention at times there were some interruptions la. But the rest of the day after that, was totally out!! Just couldn’t concentrate.
Hah, it was worse after lunch. I had light lunch and well ,1 hour later I found myself trying hard to keep those heavy eyelids propped up. Dang!
Well, Friday’s here and I’m looking forward to the weekend! Though not much planned out, but I guess I do miss spending real quality time with AIR. Barely have time during weekdays cos now with the new babysitter, she’s just a block away from our place, so we will fetch AIR before we reach home. Last time, we will fetch him after work, and during the 30min-1.5hrs journey back, we could still spend some time together. :D (Yeah, it varies depending on traffic condition and the route we take)
This week especially, I think AIR feels rather neglected. We’ve been fetching him late cos of work commitments.
And yesterday, guess what the babysitter said? She told me that by maghrib, AIR will always look towards the door, often, looking and waiting for our arrival. Awwww….. cos at the old place, latest would be by 7.30pm and we would already pick him up….I guess babies can ‘tell time’…..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Baby Behaviour
Anyway, AIR was left with babysitter, while we had dinner and watched the movie. It was a 930pm screening and well, not bad la overall. The usual techie-stuff and all the CGIs you can get. Story-line, also the same trend that’s getting to all these techie movies now. Overall, ok la. Just that I felt bad leaving AIR for so long with the babysitter (though by 830 or 9pm, he’ll be asleep).
Neway, back to movies and cartoons….I noticed AIR can sit glued to the TV when he watches Spongebob Squarepants. If its Tom & Jerry or any other cartoons or any other animation, I noticed, after few minutes he’ll fidget and then show signs of restlessness.
SO, my conclusion? I loved watching Spongebob and its my favourite since it came to Malaysian waters la (but my all time favourite would still be the Disney classics and Woody Woodpecker and Smurfs). Well, when I was preggy with AIR, without fail, I would be watching Spongebob at 930am every Sunday. Hehehe so I guess that’s why he’s glued to it everytime it comes on.
Another thing I noticed which will capture his attention (on TV) is the fillers for NTV7 and TV3. The one on NTV7 has those purple bubbles thingy popping up and the sound it makes captures his attention. Though the TV3 one is not so much for its graphics, the sound and colour captures his attention. He will stop whatever he is doing (even if he is feeding) and just watch and listen (if the TV’s not within his view). Amazing!
Does maternal habits get passed on? It’s quite hard to justify, and no research has manage to prove this. But here’s another interesting fact about my personal experience.
I like sleeping on my back or curled up on my side. Which side? It depends. If I have the wall on the right, then I’ll be curled to the left, i.e. my back against the wall. Or sometimes, curled to face hubby. So, when preggy, I was usually on my back (until tummy was too big and not advisable to lie on my back only) or curled on my left. Somehow, it’s believed that sleeping on the left is not encouraged, as it ‘cramps’ your heart cavity area. So it may affect your heart. Well, what to do, that was my most comfy position. Now, as soon as AIR can sleep on his side (without our help in turning or positioning him), he always sleeps on his left. When we try to turn him to the right, he will automatically reposition himself. Previously, when he couldn’t, we will let him sleep alternately right and left side.
Is your baby afraid of holding cold items? Ice-cold items especially. Well, AIR loves grabbing cold things. Canned drinks, cups, anything cold we have, and of course, ultimately stuffing them into his mouth or just liking it. He tried to drink it too, but of course we don’t allow. He’s not really afraid of bathing in cold water either. And loves the cold water in the pool. Our conclusion? I used to drink a lot of cold drinks when pregnant. This does not apply to the bathing part though. But as far as I can remember, I didn’t stay away from cold drinks at all while pregnant. For now, we do believe that certain things that I did while I was preggy does get ‘handed down’…
I really wouldn't know how much of it is just purely coincidence or it does get passed down....but then I'm thrilled to know that some of the things I did while pregnant did get passed down. :D
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
CUlinary skills....
So finally after goodness knows how many months after buying the oven (I think it was waaaaaay before I delivered), I made good use of it.
There was grilled lamb, ala my style….then there was the long-awaited cup cakes. Hmmmm looks quite ok la, but abit dry. I had two trays, so I had to bake it twice. Second batch turned out hard, i.e. not so nice la but 1st batch wasn’t too shabby. Choc powder and chips were just normal hypermarket brand ones but they turned out to be better than I expected it to be. Hmmm looks like I don’t have to buy those expensive ones to make it taste any better.
Those were the so-called medium sized cupcakes la. So this coming weekend, I will try to make those miniature ones. Yup, bite-size ones. Can’t wait. I didn’t do it yesterday cos I didn’t have proper weighing scales. And somehow I didn’t get my vanilla essence yet for this mini ones, I plan to make them plain, so I can have frosting on it.
We’ll how the new ones go….yumyum..can’t wait. Hahaha perasan right?

King of The Road
In fact I was in two minds the day before, but nightfall, I was eager to go. Just that throughout the night, baby was abit restless and so I was awaken acouple of more times than usual, just to calm him down to sleep. And so when baby awoke again, it was 0620 and I guess it was abit too late for me to get dressed, get fueled and get to shah alam by 7am. Gosh, so I missed it again. Darn!! Abit disappointed. 3 races missed, out of which I think this was one I could just go and have fun….yeah, though abit of hills in the route, I’d love to try out running again in Shah Alam. Hmmmm looks like the races will restart only after Raya, i.e. probly earliest also in Oct.
So now I’m set for Pg Bridge Run in Nov, I hope…
It took me almost 1.5hours to get home, but 1 hour just stuck that the Section 16/Sprint Highway area, where the roadblock was.
And I HAD to make the appointment for AIR’s photoshoot on 1st Aug, in Mont Kiara. And who says traffic not going into KL won’t be stuck? Cos all the roads leading towards Federal Highway, whether or not its going to KL or the opposite side, is still going to be using the same link, so in order to avoid the massive jam, I had to use sooo many highways and it took me almost 2 hours (1 hr 45mins, to be exact) to get from Cheras to Mont Kiara. Gila ker hapa?
But thank goodness all the way AIR was asleep. As soon as I parked, he awoke…and so he was all ready to be a model. BUT, we had to wait for almost 20mins plus for our turn (that person before us took longer than supposed to), so ended up AIR was already bored. Luckily he was still game but towards the end, he was tired and grumpy. Had his milk and continued, but he wasn’t in the best of mood anymore cos now he’s sleepy. Darn! Daddy wasn’t with us so it was abit difficult for me to calm a tired baby (with no more milk at hand – more in the car) and choose his photos to be printed. So photo selection will be only tomorrow. Darn!
The moment after I dressed him up as a peapod (it was either that or a banana), I wanted to take pics of him and my camera decided to just run out of battery. Darn!! Luckily there’s my camera phone, but then quality not so great la. And of course, the photographer (me la, of course) not so terror la. Only 3 shots, but only 2 nice and visible ones.
The photographer came and put on some blusher for him and he was all ready to go!
Monday, August 3, 2009
A New Beginning
When she told me she cried silently to herself, somehow I cried too. I realize that what she went through was similar to what I went through almost 2 years plus ago. But I guess my ‘route’ was slightly rougher and tougher but thank God we all went through it and came out of it stronger (I suppose...).
It’s always a child’s duty to listen and at least follow what their parents want best for them. But somehow sometimes there are things where they may not agree. It’s difficult to open the eyes of the people whom have taken care of us for soooooo many years and let them see and allow us to do something out of the norm.
It’s always been my belief that there is only so much human can control and the rest is up to the greater force up there.
Fong, may this be a start of a new beginning for you out there....God Bless both of you!