Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Remember Linus?

His blankie is a must at home. He was sleeping on the stroller hence he had this at the restaurant. And I just couldn't pry it away from him, no matter how much I coaxed him to.

Reminds me of Linus from the Peanuts comic strip.

Typically at home, he'll drag it wherever he goes. Until there are things to distract him and he'll forget it until nap time. Or when food is served. He will promptly take away the blankie. There are soooo many blankies but now he's stuck to this black one and another blue baby Mickey one. When it's in the laundry, he must not see it. He'll pull it off its hanger even if its wet.

Ready for his nap/sleep? With blankie in one hand, he'll say 'teat' and put out the other hand. Or go looking for it himself.

His sure I will miss this once he outgrows it. :)


Fong said...

keke, did u perm his hair?? comel =)

isabelle said...

adam cukup x suka berblanket sejak kecik. perasan mat salleh mana ntah,tahan sejuk sgt...

lately baru dia nyibuk nak berselimut dgn i.

reitak said...

fong - nope...natural...dunno where it came from ;p

Is - he doesn't use it to 'berselimut'...he mmg tahan sejuk...its more like a security blankie...