Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Listeria and Pregnancy
Listeria is a bacteria that is found in nature and lives in some foods. Listeria can be found in most animals, soil, vegetation and sewerage. Because of this, Listeria can easily enter our food chain. An infection with Listeria can cause mild ‘flu-like’ symptoms, urinary tract infections or even quite serious illness. In adults who have an impaired immune system, Listeria can cause illnesses such as meningitis, pneumonia and encephalitis. The bacteria that causes Listeria is called Listeria monocytogenes.
In pregnancy this bacteria can pass across the placenta and reach the baby. Listeria during pregnancy can cause abortion, premature rupture of membranes, premature birth and very sick babies. Listeria infections are not new, however it has only been known since 1980’s that it can be passed onto humans through food.
An infection with Listeria can be easily missed as it often presents with vague symptoms. A blood test or a test on the amniotic fluid can identify a Listeria infection. Listeria can be treated with certain antibiotics. If a baby contracts a Listeria infection it can become extremely sick with respiratory problems or meningitis. The baby can even die. Listeria infection is quite rare in Australia, but when it occurs in pregnancy it can have serious complications. It is for this reason that information is now being made available to pregnant women, so that they can make safe choices on the foods to eat during pregnancy.
The bacteria that causes Listeria is sensitive to heat. So by cooking food well, you are able to destroy it. When cooking meats ensure that the meat is cooked right through. Rare meat is not recommended. If you use the microwave to reheat, ensure that the food is steaming hot right through to the centre. While heat destroys Listeria, refrigeration does not. Listeria is one of the few bacteria that are able to grow on food in the refrigerator. So if food has been stored for longer than twelve hours after cooking - it is recommended that you do not eat it. Also avoid chilled ready to eat foods.
The best way to avoid Listeria is to have good food hygiene. Wash your hands before preparing any food. Raw fruit and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating. Food should be well cooked; no raw or partially cooked meats and seafood should be eaten in pregnancy. Food should be served piping hot. Do not eat lukewarm food. If using the microwave ensure that the food is well heated through to the centre. Hot soapy water should used to wash all food utensils. It is particularly important to wash chopping boards and knives after preparing raw food. Proper storage of food is essential. Store all your cooked food separately from uncooked products. Make sure that the raw food cannot drip onto cooked food. If you have cooked leftovers, place them straight into the fridge once they have stopped steaming (do not let food cool on the bench). Use all left overs within 12 hours of cooking or alternatively freeze for later use. Ensure that cooled food is kept below 5 degrees Celsius. Also do not eat food that has passed its used by date.
There are certain foods that are considered to be of high risk of Listeria contamination. The foods to avoid during pregnancy include:
Soft white cheeses eg. Ricotta, brie, camembert, blue vein and fetta
Unpasturised dairy products
Cold meats
Dried/fermented sausages
Raw seafoods eg. Oysters, sashimi
Smoked seafood (canned is okay)
Pre packed and prepared salads
Soft serve ice-cream
Freshly prepared and freshly cooked foods are the safest for consumption during pregnancy. It is important to eat a well balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, breads, cereals, meat, fish, eggs, lentils and nuts. Ensure meat is well cooked. All hot food should be piping hot. The following foods are safe to eat in pregnancy:
Washed fruit and vegetables
Home made salads
Hard Cheese
Processed cheese
Canned foods
All meats - thoroughly cooked, hot and fresh
Pasteurised diary products
Information extracted from here.
Hungry....Happy New Year!
It has been rather ‘interesting’ for me this past 1-2 weeks. Not so much the activities which have been going on, but more of my eating/meal time patterns.
One day I’ll be eating normally, i.e. breakie, then perhaps an in-between snack, then lunch, then something to keep me awake and dinner. Portions are normal. Then suddenly the next day, it will be the same, but I just can’t seem to down my dinner. Then the day after, breakie is a minimum without the snack….and this pattern changes daily. All will change except lunch. Lunch would seem to be the only normal meal. And today, again, breakfast seems to not able to go into my tummy. Hmmm nevermind, I’ll just have to adjust and live with this for the next 27 weeks…
I find it rather strange having this weird eating patterns as previously I was just walloping whatever I wanted whenever I felt hungry….
Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! May the New Year bring all the best that you’ve ever wanted!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Alvin, Simon & Theodore
Anyways, now this is the sequel we're talking about...the movie!
All set and planned for Alvin & the chipmunks 2 at 9.20pm on Christmas eve. Reached the cinema at about 9.15pm and while hub was queuing for snacks and as he took out the tickets from his pocket (bought the day before), we realized it said ’11.20pm’!! Oh No! how could this be? He happily thought he got the 9.20pm tickets yesterday without realizing the attendant at the counter issued the wrong one. So what did we do?
We decided to walk around and waste 2 hours…when 5 minutes into it, we thought we’d try to watch another movie. Then suddenly I suggested why don’t we try and see if we can get the tickets for the already showing 9.20pm show? And so we managed….hahaha finally. Otherwise poor mum will have to wait a little longer for us to get back home. This sequel is better than the first – more entertaining!
And then I digress....
But I noticed, it’s really weird. It’s already showtime, so by then , if reserved tickets were not taken, it would have been released. And so on the ticketing screen, it would appear not taken. But when we were trying to change out tickets, it seemed like the cinema was full to the brim, but in actual fact, when we went in, it wasn’t. There were so many empty seats in front of us, the same row as ours, but on the ticketing screen, it appeared as though our 2 seats were only available in that particular ‘zone’.
Also, prior to that, I tested out the new TGV e-ticketing system. It was really strange also. There was a ‘pay later’ option and another option to pay via credit card. So, since I was just trying it out, I choose the ‘pay later’ option, where I will pay when collecting the tickets only. (essentially this was identical to the one used by Cathay Cineplexes which I used to book couple of years ago) However, this time, it was really strange. ‘Pay later’ customers have seats on a different ‘block’ while ‘paid’ customers have seats on another block. ‘Paid’ customers have seats further from the screen while the former is nearer to the screen. The ‘strange’ thing I was trying to highlight was that when it came to choosing my seats, and confirming, the block which I was assigned to is already full but yet they kept asking me to choose my seat. HOW?? My assigned seats were not even shown? Now,
1. I tried to click on empty seats on a different ‘block’ but I wasn’t allowed.
2. I clicked on ‘next’ to proceed to getting my reservation number, but wasn’t allowed. I was told to choose my seats.
3. Now, how silly can this get?
4. I proceeded to ‘change selection/showtime’ then only it was ok. Funny.
Shouldn’t it naturally just say that the reservation is full and ask customers to choose different time slots/ shows?
Anyway, go watch this!! It's really entertaining!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
TwoPixels Photography Anniversary Giveaway

When I read bout this, I was excited. Yes, many people out there, including me love freebies…and what more, I’ve been thinking of a family portrait session for a long time, but decided only perhaps after No. 2 comes along.
Looking at the photos posted on TwoPixels site, made me think that I should have done a photo shoot previously, while preggy and when baby was just born. I especially love the photos of the newborn aptly categorized as 'pixels out of the oven'. They were just so adorable...
The one and only photo shoot we had been a studio shoot when AIR (his acronym) donned a peapod costume. Perhaps it’ll be a good time now, cos at 11.5 months old, lil’ AIR loves to pose for the camera with a variety of smile and cheeky grins, AND I’m ¼ of the way with No. 2 now! Not very visible, but perhaps not long after it’ll be…
Now, I just hope that I’ll be one of the lucky 3….
Merry Christmas!
Another long weekend ahead, lots of food and merriment!
To all my other friends....enjoy the long weekend and have fun!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Introducing 'Poppy'

I wasn’t even sure why it was called Poppy but out of the blue daddy just went ‘poppy’ to him and so Poppy just stuck. I guess having one as ‘Puppy’ –the hush puppy toy is enough and we shouldn’t confuse the lil’ boy…hence ‘poppy’. Hehehe not very creative but it’s ok la.
Few days later, only did I discover that Poppy has actually got 1 ear and 1 leg longer than the other.
Cutest Baby On The Planet 2009
MomBloggersPlanet has been running a themed ''Cutest Baby' contest since June 2009. Top winner for each month have automatically qualified for this contest. To make it a round number, MBP have encourage all readers out there to nominate their baby/ies for the remaining 6 slots for this ultimate contest of the year!
For more information on this, please read this.
It's really easy, no theme and no more extra writing...all you have to do is....
Nominate your baby NOW!!
Just follow the steps below and you could grab one of the wonderful prizes.
1. Get the best photo of your baby – ONE picture only!
2. Insert the photo on TOP of your entry. Mention his/her name and date of birth.
3. Write about this contest with title Cutest Baby of the Planet 2009
4. Include a link to this nomination page in your entry
5. Include a link to MomBloggersPlanet in your entry
6. Put the Cutest Baby of the Planet 2009 BANNER on your sidebar (where I can clearly see) with LINK to this page
7. Leave a comment here with link to your blog post (permalink).
For more details, click here.
Now, it's time to rumage through the albums and folders for photos!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Memories of Marang
I was so kelam kabut that I only remembered that I left my PPE in the office when I was about to reach home on Thursday. Luckily my colleague who was going with me to site was still in the office and she grabbed it for me.
The last I was in Marang was in 2005 when I went there from JB with the JB group of athletes for the annual Kapas-Marang Swimathon. And I didn’t think that this trip, I’d be going anywhere near where I was then.
However, when we were looking for hotels or more precisely Seri Malaysia Hotel, we ended up the same spot the bus dropped us off for breakfast and then on to the ferry to Pulau Kapas. Ahh, it brought back sweet memories. The thought of waking up blurry from the bus being told we were at our destination already and told to go grab breakfast and the journey after to Pulau Kapas.
Flash back to the days which led to the event, which looking back I wondered how on earth I actually agreed to go for it and how I did it. A 6.5km swim through the open sea from Pulau Kapas to Marang. Oh goodness I still remembered there were stages where I felt like after many strokes, I didn’t even move. The strong current was horrible. Looking at the waves yesterday and this morning, it reminded me of THAT very day. But the waves today were worse. Sea was really choppy but the wind was really nice.
Anyway, the days which led to the swimathon were filled with endless swims. Imagine 130laps of swim in the pool….most of the time by lap 40 or 50, I’d have lost count. By that time, I’d resort to time to check my distance. It was pure monotony and it the beginning it was almost torturous. What could you do when you were in the pool? If I was on the treadmill, at least can watch TV, read a book or listen to some songs to keep myself entertained. But in the pool? It was terrible, trying to come up with something to keep myself sane.
After a while I became a familiar face at the Tmn U pool in Skudai. Larkin, though my favourite, wasn’t favourable to me after dark because on one end of the pool, it wasn’t properly lit. Hence, it was kind of scary. So Tmn U it was though slightly more expensive, but nearer and I felt better.
Marang today was viewed differently. We had a superb and really cheap dinner last night amidst strong winds in a sea-fronting restaurant. If the winds were not so strong, we’d have sat outside. But it was so strong that I think if food was served, it’d be blown away almost instantly. Breakfast was also very cheap but funny, Rhu Rendang, about 2km from Marang, where the site exactly was, seems like it has quite strange cooking style. Everything seemed to have ginger added to it. My colleague’s fried rice and kueh teow had ginger, breakfast which included some weird kuih which had green bean and coconut fillings also had ginger and to top it all, currypuff also had ginger. Yes, the regular potato curry in the curry puff had ginger in it. Weird.
Neways, that was Marang....and I wonder when will be my next Kapas-Marang Swim. It was my first so-called cross the open sea swim. Desaru swim, although in the open sea, it was just 2 rounds of a short 750m into the sea. You don't get the 'effects' of open sea or the feeling at certain points when you're all alone 'floating/swimming' in the vast ocean. It is scary but also fun at the same time :)
Now with baby in tow, I may think twice before plunging in the the deep waters of the ocean.....
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Now he entertains my mum by blowing his toy trumpet. He will do it with a ‘suck and blow’ action. It’s funny how he puffs up his cheeks and then blows it all out, with all his might. At 5-6 months old, he didn’t take interest in the piano. Now sit him in front of the piano and he will bang away.
He imitates almost everything we teach him. He ‘sayang’ the cat in the picture book but not the peacock. (that we didn’t teach, we only thought him to identify) He has two of those Jusco bears, 1 small vibrating bear and 1 slightly larger Farley bear but sheds its fur. He’s taken no interest in the Jusco bears but loves to ‘sayang’ the small vibrating bear and the bear which is shedding fur. So now, the bear shedding fur is kept away from him. He loves the really tiny Garfield soft toy too. I wonder where he learnt to ‘sayang’ the toys….
His antics are really cute. To us, at least. hehe
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dinner, Diaper, Shopping...
Hubby was so confident. We were going for dinner and grocery shopping last night with my mum and I asked if everything for baby was packed. Since I was the last one home, hubby usually would’ve prepared the bag. He told me it wasn’t necessary as he’s just eaten. However, I packed his milk and bottle and pacifier in case he wanted to sleep. Usually his next diaper change would be almost 10-11 pm. So I just packed that bottle, taking hubby’s words that everything else is a-OK.
Upon reaching the makan place, I noticed his diaper was quite full. Another hour, should be ok, I thought. Unfortunately, after dinner, when hubby took him to wash his hands, he realized his nappy has leaked. Boy oh boy! And part of his romper already wet.
So off we went to buy diaper and new baju la. We were at the hypermart so baju choices were not great. The ones we wanted – no size. So ended up with one big diaper pack and one baju, paid and changed immediately, tang tu jugak. Then grocery shopping continued.
The best part of it all – as we checked out, the already opened diaper pack (we took the free sample to use but the main package still intact), was not even queried by the cashier. Not observant at all. Didn’t even ask to check the receipt or ask how come we didn’t put it on the checkout counter. If I really didn’t pay for it, I could’ve walked away with that diaper pack.And then, as we walked off from the cashier, I realized we paid RM25.20 for a pack of Ngan Yin groundnuts. My goodness. Checked with the cashier and was told to go to customer service to get the refund. Apparently when scanned, it was RM25.20….so a complete refund was made. Now, if I haven’t checked the receipt….
The Nursery Ran Away!
Nothing much has happened, actually not really….many things have happened but it just seemed not that interesting. Haha I just don’t know what I’m rambling about.
One week ago, the nursery sort of ‘absconded’. Yeah, the person running the nursery was without help. For perhaps almost one month plus. Since November to be exact. She claimed she will be getting help in December, cos in end Nov, a different lady was there for a couple of days, but unfortunately December came and the lady was not there. So hubby and I decided that we should look elsewhere. One person with 3 babies and 4 toddlers (3-5 year olds) is not easy. I’ve seen the toddlers who were eager to help, but that’s just not right.
AIR is happy there….he enjoys the presence of the husband of that lady…and he seems to be doing fine. We were reluctant to move him away but I think it calls for the best move.
Ok, the story was about the absconding. Hehehe so I was away at site one Monday slightly more than a week back and suddenly at night, going for dinner I receive an sms saying the lady has fallen and hurt herself and will not be able to run the nursery the next day. Called hubby and we were both left in a lurch. Thank God my aunt was available and she took him in the next day. And for the next 2 days. On Tuesday, I sent a text message to both the lady and her husband but no replies. Called the lady on her handphone and it was switched off. Call the husband and it wasn’t answered. And I thought to myself that this is getting suspicious.
All I wanted to know was when will the nursery be operational again and how was that lady. So I asked hubby to call the next day and by now, the husband’s phone was also switched off. Crap!
We were due to go back to Penang for the long weekend, and mum has made arrangements to come over to help temporarily. Thank God.
And almost one week later, two days ago, hubby called the husband one night and he answered. Now he says the decision will only be made in another couple of days and if they nursery will cease operation, they will refund. Yesterday evening the husband called me and told me that they will resume operations on Wednesday. His wife is still not able to run the show but he has solicited his sister’s help to assist.
And we still hang on the decision to shift to a different nursery. We’re beginning to lose trust in them.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I declare 'no-milk-day'!
Yesterday, AIR’s last proper milk feed was in the nursery, before he fell asleep as I went to fetch him. At about 9pm, he awakens and has some milk, probably about 4oz. Not his usual amount. He stirs and wakes up again at almost 1am (yes, normally his last feed is about 11pm to 1am – depending on when he dozed off) and so we made milk for him.
Anticipating his reluctance in having milk recently, we made less, only about 4 oz also, and guess what, he rolled over and went back to sleep without even taking a sip from the bottle. He just refused. He turned away whenever the bottle was brought near him.
So nevermind, left him to be, thinking that he would disturb my sleep again shortly. But no, when I woke up at 530am, bottle was still full in the holder (means hubby also wasn’t awaken) and baby was happily babbling to himself, rolling around the cot. Boy oh boy. So I tried to tempt him with the bottle and again, same reaction.
Left him and got things done. Came back later and tried again (with newly made milk) and same response. So I thought to myself, this fella superbla, suddenly not hungry at all?
I was worried. Gave him biscuits and he took it, but unlike days when he is really hungry, when he finishes the piece he has, he will ask for more, but this time no, he kept on playing and only until I offered him another piece that he got distracted and wanted that piece. So for breakfast today, it was biscuit and juice instead of just milk. It must be really horrible to have the same milk for 10.5 months now, right? :)
Oh well…let’s hope he’s better with milk today at the nursery.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Oh No!
This was supposed to help relief stress and vent my feelings, but no, it didn't turn out to be so.
On Sunday, AIR had fever. His 1st ever fever but we didn't think much about it, cos by evening, it was gone. then on Monday, in the wee hours, I realised he was HOT again. Hmmmm I got worried. Morning came and I reluctantly sent him to the nursery but by noon he was still the same. later, I think he wasn't feeling too good and the nursery called to say that he kept crying.
Worried, I left slightly early and went to pick him up. By that time, he wasn't hot anymore. Or warm. Just manja. And so I solicited help from dear Mum to come over (yes, import mali from Penang) to help take care of AIR. We were worried it could be something more serious.
By the next day he was actually fine, but not 100%. But being ultra-manja that he was, he enjoyed every moment with Granny.
On the day Granny left, we discovered spots on his face pulak. Oh Boy!! Hope its not the pox! Thank God, the Dr. confirm tat it could've been bedbugs or mites. Hmmmm his cot!
Luckily he's fine now!
and the weekend's here.....
what shall we do this weekend?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is that all there is?
Let's see, what shall I have for lunch tomorrow? I had bihun sup just now and it wasn't too bad. Hmmmm maybe I'll just drive around. I spotted a nasi kukus with ayam bakar which smelt very nice this afternoon when I drove by. The aroma of the ayam bakar seeped into the car. :) Or perhaps something else. hmmmm
Its been a long day....goodnight :P
1st it was a day trip to JB. Yes day trip...not exactly very tiring la, but I'm not a fan of night driving. Thank God it wasn't raining.
And now, I'm in Kota Bahru. Yes, and no, I didn't drive but flew here.
My 1st trip to KB was probably 20 yrs ago. Yes, that long ago and I barely remembered how it was like. And gosh, so many things are different here than the other states on the west coast of even Pahang. Terengganu is somewhat similar, but still not the same.
I'm quite surprised that people here are quite friendly and nice.
In fact, after completing my tasks, I had some time to drive around (part of my task, but I just went further) and well, seems like life here is pretty simple. I've yet to see the 'urban' housing estates yet. Hmmmm....
Anyway, lets see what else I'll be exploring tomorrow :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Accident? Heart attack?
1. An elderly man sprawled on the road, half his body on the sandy roadside and the other half on the road, motorbike parked near him, upright and nothing wrong;
2. One hand outstretched onto the road;
3. Looked like sleeping (but dunno if he is);
4. Drenched ;
5. And it was RAINING heavily but he is still in that position sprawled; and
6. No one coming to aid (though it was the mainroad and many cars were passing by)
Of course being a female driver and alone, I wouldn’t stop lah. However, after I passed I noticed 2 motorcyclists actually turned around and went back to that ‘scene’.
And this happened near a car workshop, but not in view of the workshop. I suppose due to the rain, not many people would’ve heard him if he screamed.
My guess is that he may have had a heart attack or something. I hope he’s ok…or some kind Samaritan did help him somehow.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Terry Fox Run 2009
Went for the Terry Fox Run, supposed to meet some colleagues (my boss, actually) but didn’t have her contact number, so I didn’t meet her there so we wouldn’t know if either party went. However, I was there as promised. Gosh, from the parking area, it was a good 10-15mins walk to the start point, through the park too. Lake Gardens is huge and all the parking areas are full.
So, I reached the starting just in time as they were calling for those with ‘wheels’ to be grouped at one side. I think not many took heed but I went anyway and soon, as I reached that point, it started. Oh, I had lil’ AIR in his stroller with me. And the best part was, he slept from the house right to the start and all the shifting from carseat to stroller didn’t wake him up.
I walked and there were just too many people. Somehow I was walking pretty fast, with or without stroller, and soon I began walking past a lot of people, while I have to realize I have to make way for those who are running. Then suddenly, up this one slope/hill, I decided to run. And so I did for the rest of the 3.5km. I guess it was my first run, complete with stroller through an undulating route. I didn’t get to go really fast cos it was congested, yes human-traffic-jam. But good enough for a jog. Superb. Until certain points where the sun came in the way and was shinning at AIR, had to stop for some adjustments to his stroller.
The best part of the whole thing was – AIR slept right through, sun shinning on him or not, road bumpy, rickety or not. Oh boy, it was bliss…there were kids crying out to be carried, complained tired and hot and didn’t want to go any further….and here I was enjoying myself running with AIR.
At the finish point, one guys even commented that he was amazed that AIR slept, and I actually expected him to wake up maybe 30mins later. Cos from home to the start was already a good 45 mins and his morning naps don’t last longer than 1 hr.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Food-laden weekend
On 24th, we finally set foot at the SS2 eat-all-you-can durian stall. RM9 per pax and fruits were good. But, if you’re not game for stuffing yourself stupid with durians, then its not worth it. Go for the individual fruits or the rm10 for 3.
We had almost 7 fruits, 1 huge one was tasteless and hard and had that changed and that didn’t count. I think if we sat there longer and hubby hasn’t given up, I’d probably be able to down 2 smaller ones. Anyway, we stopped and decided to go window shopping to ‘work it all out’! hehe and all the while, lil’ AIR was sound asleep, there was a slight breeze and amidst the durian aroma.
The next day, it was another day of eating. We planned to have buffet dinner at Kites Restaurant in Holiday Inn Glenmarie. AIR was really tired but refused to sleep. We were already at the area, but he was still tossing and turning in his seat and we decided to drive a little more cos we were still early, anyway. And few seconds later, he dozed off. And so we went for our dinner sans disturbance.
Nice ambience but (not my first time at the place, but first in this restaurant)….the moment we went in;
1. I told waitress I made reservations already, the foreigner-waitress asks me to wait and she was supposed to get her supervisor, but instead she never came back, but another waiter (local) from the other direction comes to assist. Then he discovers that there was no reservation under my name!! Luckily restaurant not full. Table easily available, otherwise I’d have exploded!
2. Asked that same waitress what was it outside (there was BBQ) and she couldn’t even answer. That same waiter answered on her behalf. So I asked if it was included. Mana tau, maybe different package.
3. Luckily when I asked if coffee & tea are served with the buffet she could answer.
Otherwise, the food wasn’t too bad, but the variety was much less than I expected. However, it was indeed filling and delicious. We had our fill. Really full to the brim.
On another note, the service at that hotel has particularly deteriorated with these foreigners around. I’m surprised that the hotel doesn’t bother to train them, or do they, but these people are just slow learners?
1. When I made my reservations, the person at the restaurant who took my call was a foreigner. When I asked if buffet dinner was available on Sunday (it was Saturday when I called), she told me to hold the line. When I said I wanted to make reservations, she did the same, and in the background she was asking someone local, presuming her supervisor. And why didn’t this local lady just take the line? And she had to stop twice while taking my details because she forgot what else to ask and when I prompted her for the price, she didn’t know either. My question is – isn’t this bad reputation for the hotel? Why aren’t they properly trained before being placed in the front-line servicing? Luckily I was in a good mood and she was polite. Otherwise I’d have given her a piece of my mind.
2. Couple of weeks back, we attended a wedding dinner there. It’s a 1Malaysia wedding, so though food is halal, there was alcohol served. And I think these waitresses/waiters should be thought how to identify, if not ask in general first before going around asking Muslims if they wanted wine. Those young and open-minded would be able to shrug it off giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are foreigners, but what about the Pak Hajis and gang and those who were not so open-minded who were there? They were definitely offended. Somehow the waitress came to me and apologized, but hey, out of a table of 10, only me? What about the rest? And how many took the initiative like her?
I am indeed very disappointed with this place. For its lousy service. Wait, I’ll be there again early next year, and I’ll see how it goes.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Jom! Let's go to the Movies!
Last night, I had so much fun. From being greeted by my 9.5month-old-son-with –party-hat (yet to take picture)to finally being able to watch a movie, with the presence of my son.
What bliss!
I went to the nursery and when the door opened, he was sitting down with that pointy-top-party-hat on, looking as mischievous as ever. Oh boy, I could just hug him and not let go! Unfortunately, he couldn’t put the hat on all the way home, cos his bucket-like-car seat can’t accommodate. (I’ve yet to change him to the vertical one cos its so much more comfy sleeping in this and convenient for us if he so happens falls asleep if we’re going anywhere)
And then we were going to try and take him to the movie. When we were having dinner, he was asleep. Then, as we were finishing and leaving, he awakens. And then I thought it maybe more difficult now. We’re prepared to leave if he makes noise (tickets free wat) :) and so we went in. slightly late, so the show started.
He was still drowsy, so we kept him in his car seat and on the seat next to me. After a while, he got didn’t want his milk anymore and it was really cold inside so we had his blankie round him. He looked really comfy n cuddly. Keke
Although his eyes were sleepy already, he refused to doze off (it’s the same problem in the day). And after many eye-rubbing, head-scratching sessions, his eyes were almost closed. I peered at him and he starred back at me wide-eyed. Aiyo!
Thank God, after staring at the screen and 30mins into the movie, he finally dozed off, snoring and ignorant to all the laughter and noise around him. I was so happy. Movie – sans action so music wasn’t too loud or sudden for his sensitive ears.
It was an achievement. Now, I can plan for more movies, can’t I?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Reflexology, sir?
A couple of weeks back, hubby & I went for a foot reflexology. I also wanted shoulder/back massage badly. I really didn’t know why but all of a sudden, that week, I was having achy shoulders. Since we’ve postponed this many times, this time we made it a point.
Our usual place has an electricity supply problem, so we headed off to Sunway Damansara in search of another place. We came across one which seemed quite ok (i.e. not those dodgy ones) and price was reasonable. And so we settled for the foot & shoulder package.
Like many foot reflexology centers, usually the massage areas are right in front, as you enter. Midway through our massage, the masseurs were talking amongst themselves and suddenly the phone in their reception rang.
And I overhead this, ‘ Yeah, we have massages and reflexology’ there was a pause followed by
‘what do you mean? Oh extra services? Erm, no sorry we don’t have that.’…
’ok, thank you’
And I was about to burst out laughing. I turned and asked hubby if he heard that. He didn’t, so I whispered/mouthed it to him. And he too was surprised.
For one, the place is not dodgy (thank God!) and secondly, both the ladies attending to us were not to bad, but they didn’t have the extra skill where they could tell you if there’s anything wrong with you by just pressing at your pressure points. So, off we go in search again for the person who has that skill.
And I was thinking to myself, ‘gosh, there are people who actually call up these places to enquire for ‘extra services’ huh’ and then I pondered – are these places any better than that of those dodgy prostitute places? Perhaps the ‘imported’ girls make the difference, I suppose. I wouldn’t know . :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Jundeco Stickers
Want to win some of these? Check out MomBloggersPlanet's contest page for more info.
I'm very attracted by those in the Kid's Series. It really will liven up any room. There's soooo many nice & cute ones that I really dunno how to choose, but I guess the one which looks like a circus caught my attention. PS58064 is my favourite. Cos its colourful, lively and with a few different type of animals, which the child (or baby in my case) can also learn. And its up to your creativity how you want to stick it, it can make a whole lot of difference.

Thanks to Jundeco stickers and MomBloggersPlanet, both making this possible.
Hurry, go check them out and there's also additional lucky draw 'slots' to increase your chances of winning.
Contest runs from 15th to 31st October 2009.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another weekend!
Saturday was a blast. Why? It’s been a while since we spent most of our time at home. Since just before Raya, that is. Always out for food, or buying groceries to make cookies erm, going everywhere…its been our habit, erm we’ve not able to stay still too long!
So Saturday morning, again, was awaken by AIR (what’s new?). Decided to take him to the playground and then we’ll decide later if I’m up for a walk/run. After the playground, he didn’t seem THAT sleepy, so I decided to put him in the stroller and jog. But I ended up walking cos 1) the new jogging route I wanted to try next to the new housing area didn’t look very safe as there were few men cleaning/grass cutting and doing some landscaping there; 2) I didn’t want to risk it with baby & stroller and w/o my handphone to call for help. So I walked down the ‘hill’ right to the guard and attempted to ‘speed walk’ up, but only managed ¾ of the way. Hmmmph fitness now non-existance lah! (I guess my dream of attempting Powerman Lumut is also non-existance lah – Darn!)
Usually by the time I reach the ‘top’ again, AIR would be asleep or almost. This time, not…so I decided to go for another round. I enjoyed it. Most weekend mornings I’m too tired to even think about walking. At 11am, since hubby wanted to take the car for a wash, I decided to go for a swim. Haaa another almost-forgotten activity. Slower than my previous first-attempts but I felt good.
And it was open-house-feast in the evening. All the way to Senawang. Not too bad la. Food so-so but durian we tapau-ed from Langat was da-bomb! :D
On Sunday, I awoke to body ache. Hah now, that’s new. Usually after swims, I rarely get that. Now, that’s a sign that my body is soooo tired and I’m totally unfit! Bah! I need to get my routine up again. Pants are getting slightly tight on the waistline!
And yesterday itself too, I went and bought my gym-ball (after almost half a year of contemplating) and I think I’ll start today! It’s going to be difficult to work-out out of the house and during un-Godly hours for someone like me. I’m alright with the un-Godly hours but its getting really unsafe out there! Hence a small investment! Now I’m already imagining some nice abs (hahaha, I wonder how long it’ll take) and toned triceps. I’ve got imbalanced triceps-biceps now. If only I had enough budget for my very own treadmill.....hmmmm
My shoulder still aches – this is definitely not from swimming – its diff, think it’s from office or carrying AIR's stuff. Crap! I can’t wait to get on my ‘durian-like’ gymball. :D
Friday, October 9, 2009
Is THIS Fair?
When I have to ask you to repeat, you smirk at me. When I have to repeat to you, its ok, cos I don’t pronounce/speak properly.
When I ask you the 2nd time (the 1st time I didn’t get the answer), I get blasted.
When I ask you to compromise, you say that it’s always you.
When I ask you to follow my choice, you criticize.
When I ask you to decide, you say its my turn to decide. But when I decide, you say you prefer something else.
When I don’t do it my way, you say I can’t think for myself. When I do it my way, you say I’m stubborn and don’t want to listen. Or when I do it my way, you say its all wrong.
When I ask you for an opinion, you say I’m fickle and can’t decide on my own. Oh God, its just an opinion.
So tell me, is this fair?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
1Malaysia F1 Team
All those questions were running through my mind. I guess my simple answer to that was no, not at this point of time at this stage of my life. I guess since I’ve left that many years ago (more than 5 already, hahaha actual number remains a secret), if I actually stayed in that same field, I’d have done more than just research on lubrication. Perhaps something more exciting and perhaps maybe even beneficial to the team ( if there were no one else out there…). If I were still in that field, I may have taken the opportunity. But now I’m not and circumstances have changed.
But (aiyo, already say no, some more so many buts) I just can’t help thinking of the fact that ‘once it was my dream’ would have actually came true. :)
Are you sleeping?
Of late, he always has difficulty wanting to go to bed. He will be sooo tired that halfway through playing, he will rub his eyes, lie down and rub his face against his pillow and momentarily stay in that position (and we think he’ll fall asleep), and then sit up again and continue playing. And this will happen a few times, until he starts making noise and then we have to put him to sleep. Earlier attempts to put him to sleep before his ‘cry for help’ is always futile.
Usually, he will sleep on the way to the nursery. Recently, by the time he’s tired, we’ll be almost reaching the place already, so no point sleeping for less than 10minutes and then waking him up. (he awakens usually when we carry him from his seat)
So, yesterday, since there were both of us, and we were 5 minutes away from the nursery, we tried to stop him from sleeping. Yes, that was the torture I meant. Daddy tickled and tried to catch his attention, and he smiled and laughed, but at a subdued tone….and then we did it again when we saw his eyes almost going to shut. And oh boy, the reaction we got – eyes closed with a smile and trying to laugh. Gosh, that brought laughter to both of us…and when we laughed, he looked up at us and smiled again. It was certainly adorable!
It was cute and pitiful to him at the same time. Felt so bad not allowing him to sleep…but then ….
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Quake, Tsunami, Dizzy, Sleepy...
I’ve meant to post something about Raya, but I’ve only managed half way drafting it and then it’s been left since 4 days’ ago. I don’t have the luxury of time to write a long post though that’s what I want to. Anyway, will post that up soon, promise. At home, I just want to chill…hehehe cos now lil’ AIR no longer sleeps from his ride home through. He wakes up when we reach the house. So have to entertain him for a while, usually up to approx 1 hr, before he’s ready for bed again. Then only we get to relax and watch some TV.
First it was the quake and tsunami in the Samoa and American Samoa, then later in the evening, the quake in Padang, Sumatra. Right after I heard that, it brought one thought to me. Is that a sign? Earlier it was the Typhoon in Hong Kong. Then Typhoon in Philippines and now Vietnam….hmmmm makes me wonder….
I didn’t feel the tremor this time around though at that time, I was on the 9th floor….back in Pg, mum felt it. The way she described it seemed like it was stronger than the one I felt sometime circa 12 yrs ago when I was still studying, and home alone at that time. Anyway….funny that KL felt it so bad but in Uptown we didn’t feel anything. Apparently there were people in Uptown who felt it and ran out…guess I was already ‘dizzy’ to begin with and starring at this lappy made no difference. Just added to the dizziness. Haha
I guess that contributed to the traffic jam on Kerinchi Link? Cos on traffic was smooth on Federal highway so it definitely wasn’t the usual congestion…perhaps people running out of the Menara TM and its nearby towers contributed to the havoc on the road.
Mind my incoherent train of thoughts. I keep getting interrupted and its not good. hence lousy blogpost...
I was complaining towards the end of Ramadhan that I was constantly feeling sleepy and lethargic. After fasting completed, I was back to normal. But then again, I assumed it was the toll from the whole 4 week duration and not a short few days incidents. But today when I fasted, the same happened on the way to work. Maybe it was lack of sleep, I dunno. Can’t tell but I’ll have to see if it happens again next week.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Time, time....dun fly so fast la...
Even after pre-preparing (got such thing ka? hahaha) I still don't have the time...
Hang onnnnnn................
I seem to have somehow 'lost' some hours....time seems to just slip by and by the time I realise it, its time to leave work, but there's still so much left to be done!! arrrrgh!! Or have I become less efficient? Opppps I hope not!!
Nice weather to be running again, but I guess now that it's almost 630pm, I don't think I have time...tomorrow lah!
Mummy, Mummy!!
It’s been sometime since Daddy fetches AIR home and they reach home first. So yesterday, after many weeks was its first. When I got home, after many unforeseen incidences (I’ll get to that later), he was hidden behind the sofa with Daddy but from his squeals of delight I knew where he was. So I tip-toed up to him and surprised him. He was delighted. He squealed even more. And continued laughing. Played/entertained him for a while before telling him I’ve gotta put the meat in the oven. Left him and he cried. I walked away and before I knew it, he was crawling after me and baby-talking (I presume asking me to slow down or not to go). Awwww….my heart just melted. So I waited for him to come and picked him up.
And so Daddy had to put the meat in the oven instead….:)
And to the incidences – as I was going to leave the office, it was raining cats and dogs(yes, incident #1), but thank God I had an umbrella. The worse part was, the moment I reached the car park, the rain stopped. Aiyo…imagine the nightmare walking in such heavy rain.
Got to the car and was greeted by the car not-starting (incident #2). Hmmm in the morning, the battery-check indicated ‘green’=good..and when I tried to start and it couldn’t, I checked and it showed ‘red’=dead! Darn….called colleague in the office to see if any of them were going to leave already. Thank God there was. So he came and helped me jump-start my car….and so after that, off I went to get the battery replaced. After 2 yrs 3 months….thank goodness no jam on the way back!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Why Do I Blog?
So finally today, after I think almost a week later I manage to do this.
OK, why do I blog? (Aci tak if I link this back to one of my posts previously? Then I don’t need to re-write (or copy paste…hehe))
OKlah, nevermind, I’ll just babble…
I’ve always wanted to have a blog but I didn’t think I’d have time for it or would be good at doing this Somehow out of boredom, one day while being 8 months preggy, sitting in the office with a lot of time to spare, I finally decided to venture into this. And I’m stuck. Still pretty much amateur at this, I find that if I have more time, I guess I could have a better-looking blog…:)
I find blogging a way to release some vent stress or feelings which sometimes maybe difficult to share with people. But then again, not everything I would blog about. Since a blog is public, sometimes there are things which are preferred to be kept private. Well, my blog’s like a diary (with pictures though not many) and will be there forever for me to go through and recollect the bittersweet memories later.
I also blog to take my mind away from work…for that very brief moment. It kinda gives my brains a break.
And I realized that blogging has somewhat made me realize that sometimes there are many other people out there who are stuck in a similar predicament with me. (not good la, but it’s good to know and it helps to know that you’re not the only person) Also, its brought me closer (sort or la) to other new mums out there and there’s a lot of information and experience to be shared. (eh, this wasn’t the reason I blog, but then it made me realize that blogging makes me more aware of a lot of other things) erm, in a crude way, I may seem like being a busy body, but then again, its not…cos its information other people wants to share with you and vice versa.
I'm now stuck & enjoying every bit of it!! :D
Hmmmm lets see…I shall pass this on to Fazahra, Fong & YatieChomeyl
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today too...
It's so dangerous. I pinch and slap myself to keep awake, but none of it works. Its harder now cos I can't snack to keep awake...
It's supposed to be a time where my body detox, but unfortunately it doesn't seem so. Every morning (for the first week) I woke up for sahur and throughout the day, I'd feel so sleepy. So I changed my plans. I'll eat when I feed baby. He'll be awake between 4am-5am, and so I tried. The next week seems fine. But the week after (last week), I was tired the whole day.
I noticed a reduced appetite during sahur. I sometimes wake up in the morning feeling like I'm havin indigestion. Weird. Everyday by 2.30-3pm, I'll be struggling to keep my eyes open or brains functioning. I thought its just lack of sleep, but I don't think so. I really dunno. By 5pm, if I go for my run, I'll be allright after that. If I don't run, after breaking fast, on the way home I'll be tired again...I hope after this weekend, all will be fine. Lack of adrenalin rush? I secretly hope so, so that I have a stronger motivation after Raya. (Not that I'm not motivated now, its just that before fasting I barely have time to train, and now I'm expecting the duties at work to increase after Raya, so I just hope I can put in my miserable minutes, if not hours of running)
Now that Raya is drawing nearer, I've got mixed feelings...part of me is glad that there only 5 days left of fasting (due to the above) but the other part of me thinks otherwise. Oh well...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Congrats Fong & Faisal on your big day...may both of you be blessed in your new journey in life. Many things have to be learned, compromised and adjusted. I'm so happy for the both of you that finally, united as one.
It was a mixed day for me....busy at work but managed to take off to witness Fong & Faisal's akad nikah in Masjid Negara.
However, the night didn't end too well as we were stuck in a jam for more than 1.5hrs in total. Darn!! Thank God AIR was in splendid mood...though he was almost dozing off when we reached the mosque, he happily played and sat through the whole ceremony without any fuss...slept through part of dinner but was rudely awaken by the blaring music on the loud speaker and couldn't go back to sleep again. And again, he wasn't fretful. Thank God.
I guess though it wasn't really a significant day to me, but 090909 did touch many people's heart....
opps...forgot to mention, it was also the day hubby realised that he's got a few summons which needs to be cleared up!! :P
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Long Weekend
It's been sometime since we stayed longer than one night in Penang. So this was good time.
It was time to let AIR meet some family friends and his mummy meet up with some friends too. It was wonderful. Long awaited meet up with some close friends, dinner with family and it was fun.
Unfortunately on saturday night, AIR had fever, more like we only realised he had fever on Sunday. So off to the Dr and he was diagnose to have throat infection. Now, I felt uneasy in my throat too....I'm guessing the stale air in the plane could've been the cause. How else would I be also feeling the same? Oh well....
And it was a tiring sunday as he was down with fever and being really fretfull. I guess it was my 1st experience with baby down with fever. He's never got that before....(thinking back, I'm so proud that he was able to withstand all the jabs without any fever, otherwise I'd kaput no sooner)
Subang-Penang - AIR was awake the whole journey despite the flight being 715am and he was awake by 6am...he was sooooo sleepy by the time we got into the car in pg that while he was busy playing with the tagging on the luguage, he almost dozed off on the luguage itself. I actulaly saw him sort-off nodding of...can u imagine...a baby doing that...i thought this was only in adults...kekeke so I quickly carried him up and craddles him. Almost instantly, he was asleep...
Penang - Subang - I was afraid his fretfullness may be brought onto the flight. Thank God by 830pm he was fast asleep and oblivious to everything. Despite having the stroller carried down, and him carried up into the plane, he was fast asleep. Until we reached home, and the next morning.
It was a wonderful first experience with AIR alone travelling...on the plane and well...I guess we survived...:)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Candle Light Dinner
How? candle-light dinner la what else? hahahaha
So, we had our meal on the balcony (slightly brighter), candles were left in the house, and baby AIR was on his bounce net while we were eating. hahaha thinking back, AIR must've thought why all of a sudden he's in that position. And watching us eat, he also wants to eat but this time all he got from us were just his toys...
So romantic, huh? kakakakaka
After that, I was praying that this won't last too long. And after exhausting my lap top battery, power came back bout 10pm. Luckily. Now I can finally iron my clothes for the next day. Thank goodness my place is quite airy, otherwise I'll probably have gone out already...(unfortunately in the first place I didn't because AIR was already asleep)
So much for candle light dinner...:P
Portion Guide for the 21st century
A medium potato = a six-ounce soda can
3 ounces of meat = the size of a floppy disk (if the person still remembers what a floppy is)
One scoop of ice cream = a round iMac mouse
3 ounces of grilled fish = a PDA (small hand heldpersonal computer)
1 ounce of cheese = a pager (its so rare now)
1-tablespoon of olive oil (or other cooking oil)= an individual eye-shadow compact
A serving of pretzels or other snack food = a coffee mug full
My remarks were in italics. Funny how we need to learn portion control and since living in the 21st century, I guess some of us may need to practise portion control (not all are gifted with high metabolic rates, ya...)...and we were not like our forefathers who used to toil in the fields, or use up alot of energy in our work. We work indoors with the luxury of the air conditioned office (well, most of us lah) and so we don't actually burn as much as we consume....
Just wanted to share that 'cute' portion control guide....
Friday, August 28, 2009
Run, Run, Run
I was esctatic!!
It was a gloomy evening and I felt like I had the whole TTDI park to myself. The only other runner has decided to run outside and within the park were some people walking around, some with kids and some just contemplating if they should stay or leave, as it seemed like it was going to pour!
I started and felt like all my joints were going to be jolted off their sockets. Funny feeling it was. I've never trained/ran before breaking fast, last year all was done after sahur. This year, time was an issue, so the only spare time i had was in the evening.
I ran and ran and I just felt good. I think i ran almost as fast as normal, but midway I had tummy cramps which I had to slow down. Seriously painful and I've not had this before.
I even spotted a group of monkeys dipping in the pool (errr its a smaller pond but not really utilised anymore) and I wanted to take a photo of them, but unfortunately on my 2nd round, they were gone!
Anyhow, I had great fun, stopped when hubby called to say he'll meet me at the PaRam (Pasar Ramadhan) 30 minutes later. I think this 30 minutes was the best ever!
ON the 6th Day, it rained and I'm hoping today it won't...since it poured all morning!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A smart and credible lady, well known TV personality and she gets enticed?
Anyway, that’s what her husband claims and is suing a businessman for it. He is being prosecuted under Section 498 of the Penal Code for ‘enticing or taking away or detaining with a criminal intent a married woman’.
I read with interest that in our law, ‘protects’ women. In this case, if a man (single) tries to entice a married woman, it is an offence against the man (sorry I can’t remember the codes, those I got off The Malay Mail). However, if a woman (single) entices a married man, neither the man nor this woman is in the wrong. Now you see why I placed the ‘quotion’ marks on the word protect?
I quote….this is because in the olden days, women are so called slaves (or under control) of the man. And as such, the man has rightful ‘ownership’ of his wife. Therefore he can charge another person for enticing.
But I guess this doesn’t apply to the modern world. If it did, I think its only fair that it should work both ways. How come if woman entices married man (which is quite a norm nowadays) is not wrong? I’m not against the female gender but I’ve seen too many to feel and think that women are not as innocent as they want to be treated or appear to be. But that being said, it only works if the two hands clap, right? In any case, what about if the ‘enticer’ is the party who is married? Now, what should it be?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Breaking Fast!
I think the Ramadhan set menu was really worth it. For RM15.90, I got 1 starter (it was some kind of puff, yeah puff pastry), 1 main and 1 desert (bread pudding with date) and 1 drink (cincau with root beer). It was yummy…there were 4 types of mains to choose from. Hubby had the lamb shank and it came with soup (no, not part of the set menu) and I literally was filled to the brim.
So on the 2nd day we decided to just have it at home. Tapau-ed some food from the nearby bazaar and had our fill too. It was our first time going to this bazaar in Cheras cos we just moved there. And well, desserts were pricey but the rest were reasonably priced.
And on the 3rd day, we finally went to the TTDI bazaar. Somehow I wasn’t too impressed, I dunno, could be I was having a splitting headache and it was unbearably hot out there. Or perhaps I just wasn’t in the mood. I dunno.
Maybe today we’ll try again or perhaps try the one at Sg. Penchala. Hmmmm it’s only lunch time and I’m writing about food. But I’m not thinking about it or feeling hungry though.
Time seems to be flying by…
Monday, August 24, 2009
Beatiful Baby Search Contest....Looking for beautiful Prince & Princess

Looks like I'm too late for the special prizes, but then I'll hope for the bigger ones...:)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Merdeka Belly Contest

Here we go!
When she agreed to take on the role of the babysitter, she was agreeable to us picking up AIR late, of course not extremely late la. By the time we reach home, on a normal day is almost 7pm, that is if I leave sharp at 530pm. If the traffic condition is not so good, normally I would be back by 740pm. OK, so I don't leave sharp at 530...I the time i get to my car and leave the car park, its 6. And of course there are times when I just don't want to get caught in traffic, so I go my jog/run till about 645/7pm.
So anyway, she has agreed and we were thinking that it would be the same all year round. Perhaps we will make it a point to fetch him before breaking fast. So now she expects us to fetch him by 530pm.
She thinks we are working with the gov. She thinks during fasting, we get off work at 4pm. Yah, right. When we explain to her, its the distance, plus even if we do get off that early, the traffic, (where the rest of the world too will want to go back early) will also delay our journey. And what do we get from her? A weird reaction on her face.
So what do you do?
What did we do? We simply stopped sending AIR to her. Full-stop!
arrrrgh so annoyed. First you asked for extra/higher $$$ and you agreed to the slightly longer hours, so we obliged. We didn't want to make a fuss about it. Then now you come up with some conditions, excuses etc etc....fine...well, what she doesn't know won't hurt, right? she won't know that perhaps after the Ramadhan, we will also not send AIR to her anymore....which is highly likely.
Anyway, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak To All Muslimin & Muslimat..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mini Cupcakes Revisited

I creamed the butter manually, and somehow I realized its not that easy…but then I told myself that this is easy compared to the usual gym routines. Hehe and so batter was done in no time but it was assembling it into those miniscule cups that took ages. After almost 1.5hrs (I don’t really remember how long exactly) out came 36 mini cupcakes. That’s slow cos my oven is not that big and at one go I can only make 18, that’s 2 trays, so in order to save some time, I fill 1 tray then put it in, then fill the other, and rotate.
So walla....36 pcs appeared...:) *photos later la...*

Monday, August 17, 2009
And he's said it all!
He loves talking to himself, and sometimes his toys ones he awakes. NO more loud cries to announce that he has awaken. Thank goodness.
And so as I listened, I heard less of ‘bu’s…then I peered into his cot and suddenly he’s full of ‘da’s….he was da-da-da-ing away…
And so he has spoken. It’s dada and not mama….:P
So he’s got a slightly wider range of sounds to make now….
And we keep on waiting for the magical mama or mummy...:P
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thugs?Ah Long?
I was totally shocked when I realize one motorcyclist was beating up another at the U-turn approaching Uptown. Motor A was from the NKVE direction, at the junction, he plonkked his bike on the road, ran up to Motor B (from TTDI direction), and started beating him up. Then suddenly, Motor C stopped and went to beat Motor B too. I think all the cars/vehicles were taken by surprised including myself. All this happened like 1 hr ago...
After the U-turn, I turned into Uptown, and half the mind wanted to stop at the police station. At that point, I saw a man at the roadside, bringing out his camera/phone and started to take photo/video.
Scarry man. I wouldn’t want to be seen doing that. Later those people may just come after me. So I just drove off and went to my car park and texted hubby to tell him.
Weird. I’ve a strong suspicion that they know each other. Probably a love dispute, or family dispute. Well, if you’re beaten up, wouldn’t you be crying out for help? This fella didn’t seem to be. Perhaps Ah Long case…but dunno la…
Scarry scarry….
But my Briyani still tasted as good and I can’t wait for next Friday again…
Thursday, August 13, 2009
From the package we got through the contest, we were entitled to only 3 pcs of 4R for free. An upgrade to 5R would cost RM3 each. Fine, so we took that. Am aware that all these will just lure us to spend more. But then looking at the shots that we have, it would be a waste to not print it for keepsake. No softcopy given but if you want, it will cost RM30/pc!!! What??! We were totally shocked! This is REALLY EXORBITANT! OK, fine we will just stick to reprinting some of it and laminating it. Laminate also RM4/pc. Aiyo…all money la…I was ready to part with RM100 or so before we entered the place, but ended up burning a bigger hole in my wallet! POOF!
Since hubby had a better sense in photography, I wanted him along. So I told him, we just pick a few, print and then we give to my parents and yours too. Haaaa we ended up with 24 prints (including the 3 free ones) and a huge hole in my wallet! Hahaha
Nevermind la, its not often. The guy there kept suggesting that we get it into an album…just the album, costs from RM60 and above. Darn! Nevermind…
Can’t wait to get those peapod pics in 10 days’ time.
I’ve got a voucher for a family photoshoot (nope, its not free, just a discounted rate, nothing comes free with this place). Hubby seems quite keen. :D So perhaps after Raya we may think about it. Want to wait till at least AIR can stand on his own. In 2 months’ I suppose he could…:P I hope…
OK OK, perhaps a lil’ bit bout this place. The albums/photos are all very nicely and creatively done. Especially for the kids. Lots of costumes to choose from. But don’t ask me the price. It’s quite pricey but I guess its best to enquire yourself to suit your package. Check out De One Studio. Nothing very impressive online, but the displays at the place really impressive. Heard it was involved in the making of ‘Gugu Gaga Erra’….
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First bruise...
Apparently he didn’t even cry when she tried to rub and apply some oil on the bruise on his cheek. This bruise was only noticeable the next day. People thought he was having hot-flushes cos his cheek was reddish….hahaha
Tapi poor thing la…esp his eyes…it looked quite bad, but he didn’t seem bothered bout it at all. I guess at this stage, I will have to expect more of these to come…the fact that he now loves to stand and likes to do funny poses while standing. He still can’t stand on his own though. Hmmm
‘Bu’ seems to be his favourite word other than ‘ah’, ‘oh’ and ‘eh’….I don’t think we ever thought him to say ‘ibu’ perhaps ‘lembu’ cos he’s got a ‘dice’ toy with a picture of a cow. Or perhaps its from the sound ‘brrrrrr’ we do to him very often. In the meantime, we’re still waiting to see if its gonna be ‘daddy’ or ‘mummy’ or any version close to this first….hehe.
Mini Cupcakes
In my rush trying to get those cupcakes done, Iforgot to take photos of them.
OK, things seemed simpler this time. erm, perhaps I was getting the hang of it? hehehe cam terror la pulak, kan?
I'm not sure actually how large those cupcakes were supposed to be in the recipe, but I wanted mine mini. yup, bite-size-like and it turned out to be just as I wanted. I was happy, considering the fact that I didn't 'cream the butter and sugar' like the recipe called for, and I did it my way.
I wasn't dry or hard like my previous attempt. I made plain vanilla cupcakes as I didn't want to buy ingredients for the frosting, not knowing if my cupcakes would turn out fine. If it didn't, then those would just go to waste.
The best part was, halfway preparing th ingredients, I heard a cat meow-ing away somewhere 'behind' or nearby..I thought perhaps this 'lost' cast was nearby outside (where it was the night before). Realizing the main door was opened, I quickly went to shut it, not wanting it to trespass. I was in the kitchen, baby sleeping in the room. And no one else was around. And after a while, I heard the meow again. I turned, and saw it was starring back at me from the small 'store' behind me. Alamak!!
I tried to lure it out (I dislike cats), but I guess I wasn't being nice enough to encourage the poor frighten cat out from its 'hiding'. So in the end, I shut the door to the store to keep the cat in. I was afraid it may roam around and mess up my house. I was too busy trying to bake ma! haha
So I texted hubby and told him he had a task when he comes back later.
Then I continued with baking and 'House'.
I realise i tend to not fill the cups enough in my 1st attempt. 1st attempt - 2 trays of 9 pcs each. 2nd attempt - 1 tray of 9 pcs, and 1 tray of 4 pcs. hehehe imbalances but this one reaped slightly larger ones. And I added some 'tiramisu' flavouring to it. But then I can't taste the difference la. hmmm so much for that extra flavouring :D
So, back to cupcaking - now that i can do it ok, I guess mini cupcakes would be one of the items i'll make for Raya! hahaha erm, wait, I need to make it more interesting with cute frosting la. errrrr perhaps next attempt! :D
Monday, August 10, 2009
MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby with TOYS Contest
However, that being said, I noticed that he has his ye ol’ faithful – the seahorse rattle, the all-time-fav-but-always-not-allowed – the ASTRO remote control and the ultimate-too-huge-for-him – Big Book of ABCs.
The seahorse rattle – he had this since he learnt how to grip and hold and stuff things into his mouth, circa 2 months plus. This is his first rattle, and in my attempt to give him other types of rattle (he has a box which had almost 10 varieties of rattles as his gift) to use up all in the box, he still loves this. Perhaps it’s the sound, its multiple rings and just-nice shape which got him stuck to this. He ‘kisses’ seahorse on his ‘snout’ and stuffs it into his mouth very often, while alternating between munching on the rings and the ‘fin’. This toy introduces various shapes and textures embossed on it to him.
His all-time-fav-but-not-allowed toy is the ASTRO remote control. Give him any other toy next to this one (the seahorse included) and the remote control wins hands down EVERYTIME. Give him a different remote control, he will not even take a second glimpse. He is glued to this because of the multi-coloured buttons within the remote and perhaps also the size of these buttons. I’ve tried giving him another remote control with some colour, but smaller buttons, and he just couldn’t be bothered. The fact that this is a remote control, we rarely let him play with it. The moment he sets eyes on it, it’s tough to get it away from him. We were tempted to buy him a ‘pirated’ one from the pasar malam, but at RM15, we decided it could be better spent on better toys/things for him. Stingy ei…hehe…No lar..cos if we buy and let him play a dummy remote control, later on, he may just think all remote controls are his toys. Not a good move.
Then the ultimate-too-huge-for-him ABC book. He loves the pictures and when it was first introduced to him, he will coo and make sounds when you read to him. There’s 5 in a pack, but for now, only 2 are relevant and easy for him to look at the pictures. I discovered his liking and attraction to large colourful pictures when I was breastfeeding him in the BabyRoom where a poster with some daily items was on the wall and he kept looking at it. After feeding, I took him nearer and he loved it. Trying to interact and wanting to touch all the items there.
Click here for more info. Hurry, before 15th August 2009...